Adrianovich Vlasov

Russia • 1905−1979

He studied at the Academy of fine arts in Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and Savinova and even said it was an advice from the I. E. Repin. Worked in magazines, book publishing houses, in particular – Detgiz. Member of the Union of artists since 1934. In 1938 he was the chief artist of the film "the Vyborg side". During the great Patriotic war he prepared posters, flyers, anti-fascist materials of the political Department of Leningrad front. Veterans remember the propaganda playing cards of his work. After the war he collaborated with the publishing houses of Leningrad and Moscow. Was friends with Lebedev, Pakhomov, by Cordovil, Vasnetsov. A person of high culture, broad knowledge and interest in life, Vasily Vlasov has left memories that are stored in the State Russian Museum.

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