Borisovich Gimov

Russia • geboren in 1935

Was born in Irkutsk. C 1952 to 1957 he studied at the Irkutsk art school at S. I. Vinogradov, A. A. Savin, A. P. Zhibinov, A. I. Vychugzhanina, A. I. Alekseev. From 1958 to 1987 he taught at the Irkutsk art school at the pedagogical Department. Among his pupils K. Kits-Kovyazin, S. Lazarev and others. a Member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1973

Participation in exhibitions:

regional - 1957;

zonal - 1964, 1969, 1980;

Republican (Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Leningrad) - 1979;

Union (Komsomol'sk-on-Amur) - 1982; (Irkutsk) - 1982; (Odessa) - 1983;

foreign (Germany, Berlin) - 1965 (Czechoslovakia, Bratislava) - 1975-1976; (GDR, Karl-Marx-Stadt) - 1978 ; (Zwickau) - 1979;

personal (Irkutsk) - 1965, 1969, 1979, 1981, 1985 .; (Moscow)- 1979; (Novosibirsk) - 1967


Anankina So To the Museum. The East-Siberian truth. 1990. July 10.

Bykov O. the sound of the surf in a winter city. The East-Siberian truth. 1991. 26 Jan.

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