Alexandrovna Gippius

Russia • 1905−1995

(1905, St. Petersburg – 1995, Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1937). The niece of a famous poetess Zinaida Gippius.

He studied first from his father, the artist A. Gippius, and then (1924 – 1928) in the Perm art College at I. N. Vrachanskogo and A. S. Shestakov, and from 1928 to 1936 – in VHUTEINe in L. A. Bruni, K. N. Istomin, D. S. Moore, M. S. Rodionov, N.. Udaltsova, and V. Favorsky.

Constant participant of exhibitions since 1931. The Works Of N. Gippius was exhibited at the international exhibitions in Berlin (1967) and in Warsaw (1967). Personal exhibition of works was held in 1972 in Moscow.

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