Nikolayevich Goloschapov

Russia • 1889−1968

Biografie und Informationen


The painter, born 13(25) July 1889 r in Moscow. Died August 4, 1968 ibid.
He studied in art Studio of prominent Moscow artist and educator
warden of the Moscow Association of artists F. I. Rerberg in the period 1906-
1913.g.,graduates of which there were many famous masters of Russia.
Personal exhibition of N.N. Goloshchapova was held in 1961 in Moscow.
N. N. Goloshchapov - participant of art exhibitions since 1909.
His works include:
"Evening," "Windy day" (gold medal at the exhibition in Paris), "North lake" (sob-
the impact of P. A. Storozhenko), "Sketches" (property of A. P. Rerberg) - catalog of "Exhibition
paintings of the group of Moscow artists, 1911 - p. 1-4.
"Threshing"-1912. (private collection. Paris .) "The harvest"-1912. (private collection,
Paris)."The sign"-1913. (private collection, Paris). "On the river" (property
G. G. Shchegolev).-catalogue of the First exhibition of paintings and sculpture "Nov" p. Z
"Jasmine" (property of A. K. Baev), "lilac"-(property of S. L. Baeva.),"Clouds"-
(property of G. G. Shchegolev.), "By the end of the day"-(property of P. A. Storozhenko) directory
The twentieth exhibition of paintings of the Moscow Association of artists-Moscow, 1913.str.6.
"Grapes", "Swans" (the property of N. And. Proskuryakov), "Roses and lilacs" - a catalog of high-
odds are paintings and sculpture "Artists of Moscow-the victims of the war". Moscow, 1914, p.9.
"Sunset", "Clouds and the tree", "Evening motive", "sunlight", "Autumn"directory HH1
exhibition of paintings of the Moscow company of artists in 1915. page 6.
"At the well", "the Prodigal son", "Fishing", "Shepherd", "the Parting of Joseph with Mary"-
XXII a catalogue of the exhibition of paintings and sculptures of the Moscow Association of artists
1916 PG. 5
"Spring in village" (1922. The State Tretyakov Gallery.)
"Troitsin day", "August" (property of B. V. B.), the"Pink House" - the directory ХХУ1 exhibi-
Ki Moscow Association of artists 1924
"Morning mist" (1925, Mari history Museum), "Elm in the meadow"-(Sobst-
the liability of the Ambassador of India in USSR), "deep In the forest - ( 1930 Kurgan management of cul
tours), "Spring" (1935, Karelian Museum), "Moscow river" (1938. The Property Mi-
the Ministry of culture). "Abramtsevo, alley" ( 1935. Gallery "Neskuchny sad"),"Trees
nya Myakinino-(1938 r.- Gallery "Neskuchny sad", "Ivan-tea"- (1935.-Gallery "Nescac-
s 'garden"), "Polic flowers"(1938.-The Museum Viksa, Gorky region), "Grey day"
1945. Kalinin picture gallery), "a salute to victory day" - (1945. Museum of history
and reconstruction of Moscow"), Landscape(1950.Sverdlovsk Picture gallery),"POS-
Lok Musilova"- (1947.-Gallery "Neskuchny sad"), "Slope" -(1950. The Ministry of ku-
litura), "In the mountains of Bakuriani"-(1952 Museum of Moscow state University), "the Slopes of lake Sevan"-(1952-mu-
zei MSU), Georgia, Ateni village"-(1952.-The Ministry of Culture), "Autumn in Kolomens-
Kom"-(1955-catalogue of the Exhibition of paintings and drawings of Moscow artists, 1956.
"The neighbourhood of Senezh"-(1959. -Property Of N.G.Mashkovtseva),"House on
lake Senezh"-(1966 -Property tansykbayev), "Lake Senezh"-(1961)., "The Village Of Ko
Ramenskoe,cloudy day"-(1961 -Property of V. A. Rodionov),"Landscape With a broken-
NYM tree"(1960 r.-property of S. Burenkova) - catalogue of the exhibition of painting and sculp-
lpture of Moscow artists, Moscow 1962, P.6, "Autumn flowers"(1965)-kata
log "Autumn exhibition of Moscow artists",Москва1966г. Str.13.


"Nikolay Goloshchapov is a real Russian artist, in his landscapes, many
go sincere love of nature, painting is closely connected with drawing, poetry, talking
from his linahamari, and poetomu.N. Goloshchapov has its own face,its own style."
P. Pokarzhevsky.
"Songs of Nikolay Goloshchapov exhibit cultural flavor, and Mature
pale green coloration makes it stand out painting with rigor and generosity".
Maximilian Voloshin.
"Many small and larger things put G. Goloshchapov. All Onet States
s the taste and the ability to find the soft harmony of the colours is extraordinary".
Exhibition of paintings by the painting school of F. I. Rerberg,"Moscow Sheet "October 22, 1911.
"The only watercolor is quite carefully worked out drawing, out of work
Bogayevsky is "Grapes" of the young artist goloshchapova, revealing seriously is
ing the data of color and composition".
The magazine "Apollo"-the chronicle of N1.January 1911.
"In the face goloshchapova, N. N. We have a really great and very interesting Hu-
dozhnikov of the landscape, the lyrics, which is very skillfully and with great poetic, alluring colors-
eating reveals in his works the soul and the state of our Russian nature.
It's really the artist who for 50 years of his creative activity not
waive any of its principles of realist artists. He's always holding high the
these principles. This is a modest person and a great artist, and I must say, landscape
such a glow as N. Goloshchapov we have relatively few."
N. Sobolewski. (From the Report on the work of Nikolay.Goloshchapova 1961.
"In the works na.N. Goloshchapova has a certain condition, and most Importantly-attitude-
tion, they are very humane and subtle in painting.
Pictures of Nikolai Nikolaevich in the traditions of the drawings Shishkin, Field
Nevskih traditions. His approach to the vision of a world of nature, such a loving attitude towards
individual motifs allow the author to create a generalized artistic image".
K. Kravchenko. (From the transcript of the discussion of the personal exhibition of N. Goloshchapova
Moscow. 1961)
Literature: Exhibition of paintings and drawings by the artist N. N. Goloshchapova.
Catalogue, Moscow 1961, p. 9 with illustrations and portrait of the author.
"Ramp and life", Moscow, 1910. N50, p. 822
The bibliographical dictionary. "Artists of the USSR, volume III,p. 8b
Moscow - the publishing house of the Art 1976
Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Moscow Association of artists, 1909-1924.g.
Semen of Aladzhanov Georgy Yakulov", Yerevan, 1971, P.57 and 110.
Evgraf Konchin "Emissaries of the eighteenth year." Moscow, ed.Moskov-
sky work. 1981, pp. 48-51, 64-65.