Petrovich Gusarov

Russia • geboren in 1937

Born may 1, 1937 in the town of Balta, Odessa region.

In 1958 he graduated from Odessa State Art College, painting Department.

1961-67 — studies at the higher school of industrial art to them. Mukhina, Department of monumental-decorative painting, workshop of Professor G. A. Savinov.

1967-1978 gg — there he taught painting and composition.

1975 — member of artists Union of St. Petersburg. For the interiors of public buildings completed more than 20 works in different techniques: tapestry, mosaic, painting, stained glass, encaustic.

Since 1965 — member of Russian and international plein-airs, symposiums, exhibitions.

Honored artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal exhibitions:

1997 - Library. Mamin-Sibiryak. the town of Pushkin.

2000 - Gallery "Northern crown". Kolpino.

2002 - Museum Of P. P. Chistyakov. the town of Pushkin.

2004 Museum of decorative art Spbgma named after V. I. Mukhina

2005 - Gallery "Delta", St. Petersburg

2006 - Exhibition hall of the Congress Palace, Changsha, China

Works by Vasily Gusarov are in museums and private collections.

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