Ernestovna Delacroix

Russia • 1899−1972

Painter. Certificate about completion of the CVC on the basis of the qualification Commission on the basis of sketches and studies recent stage 4 of the course on skill.

In 1917 he graduated from high school E. P. Shaffe in Petrograd, then Moscow radioscopy. Worked at the radio station in Kazan, at the same time studied at painting Department at Kazan art school under P. A. Mansurov. Long was fond of non-objective art. In 1922 he enrolled at the Academy of arts in Petrograd, he studied at the Studio of spatial realism in M. V. Matyushin, became interested in the study of chromatics, the laws that govern the color effects. Together with other students Matyushin worked in Ginhuke in the Department of organic culture. At the same time worked as a ship's radio operator on ships of the Baltic shipping company. In the fall of 1927, she made two last voyage to Canada on the steamer "Dekabrist". In 1928 he traveled to the Caucasus in 1929 — 1932 in the summer worked in the village of Martyshkino near Leningrad.

In 1930 he participated in the group exhibition Matyushina "KORN" ("the team extended observation") in the Central House of Union of artists in Leningrad, where, besides paintings, was shown a table with the results of the scientific research group on color and shape. In 1931, participated in the design of the city (the area on the corner of the bypass channel and the International prospectus) to the revolutionary holidays. Group Matyushin was created body soustalova "the Cultural revolution and lack of culture" that combine in a single unit form, color and light. Delakroa, participated in the publication of the book "Handbook of color". After the death of Matiushin in 1934, the painter no longer approached the canvas. In 1938 she worked in the Lab of color in the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture AH under the leadership of B. N. Sociable. Laboratory investigations continued one of the areas of the science of color, which in the early 20's he studied Matyushin in Ginhuke. After world war II, returning from evacuation, Delakroa headed the laboratory and worked until its closure in 1950.

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