Fedorovich Gaush

Russia • 1873−1947

Biografie und Informationen

Painter, landscape painter, wrote still lifes, the artist of the puppet theater. The son of a merchant. Born in St. Petersburg. He lived there until 1924 in Sevastopol (1924-28), Odessa (1928-38), and then in Simferopol. He studied under p. P. Chistyakov in St. Petersburg (up to 1893), the Academy of arts (from 1893) A. A. Kiseleva. In 1899 he received the title of artist. One of the organizers of the "New society of artists" (1914), a member of the Association "World of art", the Association of South Russian artists. Taught in the educational institutions of Petrograd (until 1924), Sevastopol, Odessa art Institute (1928-34, Professor from 1928), art school (1934-38). The artist's works are kept in many art galleries of Russia, Ukraine, the museums of Armenia, Kazakhstan, etc.

He studied at the drawing school society for the encouragement of arts (1892-1893). At the St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1893-1899) A. K. Kiselyov, at the académie Julian, Paris (1895). Taught in the educational institutions of Petrograd (until 1924), Sevastopol (1924-1928) and Odessa - first at the Art Institute (1928-1934), then at art College (1934-1938). Founding member of New society of artists (St. Petersburg 1904), member of the "World of arts" (since 1916). Participant of exhibitions: Academic (1900), New society of artists (1904), Fellowship of South Russian artists (1905), the magazine "world of art" (1908-1909), "Wreath-Stephanos" (1909), Union of Russian artists (1910, World of art (1911, international (Paris, Brussels, Rome).

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    Aquarell, Öl, Pastell
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