Andreevich Dolgorukov

Russia • 1902−1980

The poster. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored artist of the RSFSR.

1902 Born in Yekaterinburg. Father was a scientist / Forester.

From an early age dreamed of becoming an Opera singer.

1919 started work as a draftsman in the Verkh-Isetskiy plant, at the same time teokratii wrote for the Theatre of revolutionary satire (Teresita).

1922-1924. Service in the red army.

1924-1925. Student of architectural faculty of the Ural mining Institute.

1925-1928. The artist is the paint shop of the Sverdlovsk theatre. On the left of the first posters.

1928-1930. Study in VHUTEINe in Moscow, in L. Bruni, D. Moore. Works mainly in the field of political satire and poster.

1930 - 1933. Collaborates in Isosize. Meets D. moor and V. Denis. In January 1933 created the first poster in collaboration with V. Denis.

1933-1960-ies Draws for the newspaper "Red star", "Truth", "news" and magazines, "Spotlight", "Soviet soldier", "Twinkle". Takes political posters,

1941-1945 Takes the posters and graphic series on the topic of the great Patriotic war.

1941 (October) - 1942 (January) - Evacuation in Kuibyshev, together with the newspaper "Red star".

1948 the Diploma of the 1st degree for posters at the International poster exhibition in Vienna.

1949. Solo exhibition "Political posters and political satire" in the Central house of the Soviet Army to them. M. V. Frunze.

1963 the Honoured worker of arts of RSFSR.

1969 the gold medal of the Soviet peace Fund at the International exhibition "Satire in the struggle for peace" in Moscow.

1980 has Died in Moscow.

Major works: 1933 Complies with V. Denis poster "Five year plan"; 1948 Works in conjunction with B. Efimov, performs poster "warmongers ought to remember the shameful end of their predecessors."

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