Beglyarovich Egian

Russia • 1917−2006

Landscape painter Harutyun (Arthur) Beglerovic Yeghiyan was born the fifth of April 1917 in the city of Andijan in Turkestan region. A predisposition for art was passed to him from his mother, Tatiana, Balasanova Toons who loved to draw. Father Harutyun Yeghyan, Samson Shakarian, tragically died, and mother married a second time in person, the name of which Harutyun wore for the rest of his life in gratitude for the fact that he raised him as his own son.

In search of a better life, the family moved from Central Asia to Azerbaijan, Baku city. Here Harutyun became seriously interested in drawing and painting, began to actively attend classes at the art Studio, drew a lot from nature. Then the years of study at Baku art College. But in 1941 began the Second World war and the young artist was called to the front. Was a cavalryman. Then wounded and captured. Harutyun placed in a concentration camp "Krichev – Chausy" - Mogilev (Belarus) from which he escaped. In the composition of the reconnaissance company were in the Resistance, whose task was the raising of a revolt in the rear of the Nazis. According to the documents in the name of "Sirisena" began working as an artist in the Belarusian city of Baranovichi, where it is still known as "pan Czarna". Just before the Soviet offensive, one of the members of the Resistance under pain of death of their loved ones given all the cell. Employee of the German commandant was a great lover of painting, has offered the army a choice to dig your own grave and be shot or to go to Germany as "Ostarbeiters", mindful of the promise mother to come back alive, he chose the latter. In Germany said the ability of a young artist. He became a graphic artist in Stupartska Opera house and even sent to study at the art Academy in Vienna, but as soon as I had the opportunity to return to the Soviet Union, he came home.

He became a student of the Yerevan Institute of art. Denounced by a fellow student in 1949, was subjected to repression, and got "25 years" without right of correspondence in the Gulag. In 1956, rehabilitated, over time, restored and rewards.

Further decades were the happiest in his life. Major design works in the Baku creative exhibitions in the salons of Moscow, Riga, Baku and other cities. Among his works: "Akhtamar", "Venice", "Old Church", "Karabakh", "Rural landscape", "Buzovna", "Kubanskaya stanitsa", "Mountains" and others.

During the period of national obscurantism in Baku in 1989, at the age of seventy years, the artist was persecuted because of his nationality. Was forced as a refugee to emigrate to the United States – the city of salt lake city. Here in the retirement home, continuing to paint, he lived the last years of his life. Died on 02 Jan 2006 and is buried in salt lake city (Utah)

(Biography and illustrations provided by Vadim Yeghyan)

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