Nikolaevich Baksheev

Russia • 1862−1958

Baksheev Vasily Nikolaevich, painter, people's artist of the RSFSR (1956), full member AH the USSR (1947). He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1877-1888) Vladimir Makovsky, A. K. Savrasov, V. D. Polenov. Since 1896 - member of the Association of traveling exhibitions, since 1922 - a member of AHRR. Began his creativity with genre pictures, and later turned to landscape, in the Soviet period continued the traditions of Russian lyrical landscape. Long time was engaged in teaching. Creativity Vasily Baksheyev is closely related to Tarusa and its surroundings. Arrived in Irkutsk in 1951. In the paintings of "Twilight" (the State Museum Fund), "Birches" (1953), "Sunny day" (1956), the author has created a poetic image of nature Tarusa region. In Tarusa paintings:"Evening lights", "After the departure of the Germans", "Peonies", "Frost", "Noon" and others. He was awarded two orders of Lenin, order of red banner, medals.

(1862, Moscow – 1958, ibid.)

Soviet Russian landscape painter, one of the organizers and the most typical masters of the "Union of Russian artists" (1903).

From 1877 to 1888 he studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture – first

on architecture, then on the beautiful faculties.

Among the teachers was baksheeva, A. K. Savrasov, V. D. Polenov, V. Makovsky. Joining in 1893 in the "Association of the Wanderers", Baksheyev for 17 years has been authorized by this Association in Moscow.

In 1913 he received the title of academician.

From 1922 consisted AHRR.

In 1943 he was awarded the Stalin prize. Taught at Mugusa and other schools.

In his work Baksheyev has linked moderate impressionist style

with a symbolist study of the images without abandoning the traditions of poetic Chronicles "Wanderers". For Mature baksheeva, like many former "allies", was characterized by a desire for solitude in a landscape devoid of human figures.

The artist's works are kept in many museums of Russia and also in PLICSCOM Museum – reserve


1. Leikind O. L., D. Y. Severyukhin Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. Saint-Petersburg. 1992

2. Baksheyev V. N. Memories. Moscow. 1963

3. Avtonomova N. B., Dudakov V. A., and others (authors and compilers). Masters of the "Union of Russian artists". The 100th anniversary of the Association. Paintings and drawings from the collection of the Pushkin Museum

them. A. S. Pushkin and private collections of Moscow. Moscow. 2003

4. Tikhomirov A. N. Red Army in fine arts. Moscow – Leningrad. Art. 1939

5. B. V. Ioganson (author-compiler). One hundred paintings by Soviet artists. Album. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1966

6. Singer L. S. the Soviet portrait painting of the 1930s- the end of 1950-ies. Moscow. Art. 1989

7. Sudakova N. F. (author-compiler). Kalininskaya regional art gallery. Album. Leningrad. Aurora. 1974

8. Sysoev P. M., Starikov V. A. (compilers). Masters of Soviet art. Works and autobiographical essays. Moscow. Art. 1951. P. 33 – 40

9. Gerasimov, A. M. the Life of an artist. Moscow. Academy of arts of the USSR. 1963

10. All-Union art exhibition of 1951. Album. Moscow. IZOGIZ. 1953

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