Nikolayevich Zavyalov

Russia • geboren in 1937

He graduated from Penza art College (1954-1960), Moscow state art Institute. Surikov (1960-1966) in the Studio of Professor DK Mochalskogo. His diploma painting "the Family of whales". Since 1960 works in the Tomsk art production workshops. He was repeatedly elected to the Board of the Tomsk branch of the Union of artists of the RSFSR, was a member of the exhibition Committee of the zonal exhibitions, member of the Commission for painting of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

The author of more than three thousand paintings. The best of them are kept in art museums of Tomsk (29 papers), Irkutsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Tomsk Museum of local lore, Kemerovo; in several people's galleries area.

Solo exhibitions were held in Moscow, Belgorod, Tomsk, Strezhevoy, have been exhibited abroad. The nearest exhibition is also timed to the anniversary of the artist was held in Parabel art gallery in October 2007.

The artist's works are kept in many private collections in USA, France, Germany, Poland, Australia and other countries.

In the artistic life of Siberia Herman Zavialov figure is more than noticeable. Participant of exhibitions since 1967, including all-Union, Republican, zonal, regional. Since 1970, Zavialov a member of the Union of artists of Russia. He was awarded a Diploma of MK RSFSR artists ' Union of Russia for participation in Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia" in 1970, the medal "For valiant labor" in 1970 From 1967 to 1980 he was a member of the Board of the Tomsk regional organization of Union of artists, and from 1969 to 1976 member of the Board of the Union of artists of Russian Federation, from 1970 to 1975 zonal member of the exhibition Committee.

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