Efimovich Zakharov

Russia • 1900−1993

Born November 26, 1900 in the town of Alexandrovsk Sakhalin region.

In 1927 Sergei Zakharov graduated from the Tomsk Institute of architecture and construction.

Participant of exhibitions since 1938.

Member of the Leningrad Union of artists since 1938.

Wrote still lifes, genre scenes, portraits, landscapes, worked in watercolor technique, was engaged in monumental painting and interior design.

Honored art worker of the Tajik SSR (1951).

Personal exhibitions were in Leningrad (1951, 1980, 1984), Petersburg (1996), and Moscow (1961, 1965).

Painter, graphic artist, architect

He studied in Tomsk - 1917-1927 in the architectural-construction Institute, in 1917-1922 in art school. Lived in Tomsk until 1927, Sverdlovsk in 1927-1931, Dushanbe in 1940-1945. * Participated in the design of the Magnitogorsk factory in the late. 1920s, a number of public buildings in Sverdlovsk (until 1931), the Lenin Komsomol theater (1933-1935), Moscow, and several public buildings in Leningrad designed and built for Tajikistan. Participant of exhibitions from 1928: including foreign – 1965 – Romania, Yugoslavia, 1966 – Czechoslovakia, 1974 in Poland, etc.; personal – 1937, 1951 – Leningrad, 1938 – Kirov, 1962 - Moscow. Member of the Sverdlovsk branch AChRs (1927-1931), Union of artists since 1932. Honored art worker of the Tajik SSR.

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