Ekabovich Zemzaris

Russia • geboren in 1928

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored art worker of the Latvian SSR.

Graduated from the Riga art school by J. Rozentals (1953) and the Department of painting at the Latvian State Academy of arts (1955) with the thesis "assessment of the Jurmala" (under. The Guidance Of E. Kalnins).

In exhibitions the artist has participated since 1952.

Personal exhibitions are organized in Riga (1961, 1964, 1976, 1980, 1988, 1998), Jurmala (1976), Tartu (1965), Moscow (1974), Sydney (1982), the Aftermath (1984), Columbus (USA, 1990), new Yerke, Boston (1991).

U. Zemzaris a member of the artists Union since 1957 and a member of the writers ' Union since 1971.

Together with L. Kokle he was iniciatorom sector establishment of Young artists in the Union of artists in 1957 and Creator of exhibitions of Young artists.

The artist is a lifelong scholar of the KKF (1999).

About W. Zemzaris documentary film "a Man walks into a rainbow" (directed by A. Freimanis, 1962)

Literature: “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vanaga – Rīga, 2003 – 4. sēj.

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