Andreevich Mansurov

Russia • 1896−1983

Graduated from the Central School of technical drawing and Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts. In 1921 -1927, he worked in the Petrograd Museum of artistic culture. Participant of the 1st Russian art exhibition in Berlin (1922) and International art exhibition in Venice (1924). Since 1928 he was in exile in Italy. From 1929 he lived in France. Participant of many art exhibitions. Died in Paris.

Biography P. A. Mansurov begins with lessons in TSUTR in St. Petersburg (1909-14), where he studied engraving and etching under the direction of VV mate. At the same time (1912) Mansurov attended the Drawing school of the OPH.

In 1915, the artist was drafted in the First regiment, and then served in the Office of the Military air fleet, where did the drawings for aircraft hangars. Admiration for the work of aircraft designers and technology in General is reflected further in his art when he became interested in the search of picturesque formulas of a single "economic laws," lying and creating new technology, and in the works of nature, which, following these laws, creates a butterfly or a flower.

In 1917 Mansurov completed sets and costumes for the Petrograd artistic cabaret "Halt comedians." In the first days of the October revolution, he came to Lunacharsky and invited the representative of the new government himself as an artist. This decisive action is largely determined in the near future Mansurov bridging role between the artistic avant-garde and Narkompros, headed by Lunacharsky. V. E. Tatlin, Malevich, MV Matyushin, P. N. Filonov - so different in their theoretical creative installations - heat treated to a young artist.

In the long debate with them was born of his own concepts. Following Tatlin Mansurov began to work on the Board, using its texture as an expressive means in his compositions. In 1919 Tatlin, he assisted in the drafting of the famous "tower" - the monument to the third international. The idea of "the father of Russian constructivism" on utilitarian cost-create forms echoed the Mansurov, but in the future urbanism constructivists pushed him away. The artist experienced a strong influence of Suprematism K. Malevich, but in 1922 he came to the conclusion that the active effects of which have not only flat, but also three-dimensional geometric shapes.

An important role is played by the concept of plastic space M. V. Matyushin. The young artist was struck and thorough "madeness" of paintings by P. N. Filonov, from whom he borrowed the term "picturesque formula" to refer to many of his compositions.

The activities Mansurov in the first years after the revolution was intense and varied. In 1918-19 he creates the scenery for the ballet "Upmann, or Smoking thing" to music by A. S. Lurie, involved in the design of "Mystery-bouffe" by V. Mayakovsky, illustrated brochure, N. N. Punina "Poor people", is decorated with decorative panels "Europe" and "Asia" on St. Isaac's square for the first anniversary of the October revolution, participates in the First state free exhibition of works of art (1919).

In the autumn of 1920 to spring of 1921 he taught at the Kazan art school. Back in Moscow, sketch for festive decoration place of execution on red square. In 1921, the work of Mansurov was presented at the First Russian art exhibition in Berlin. With the active participation of Mansurov in Petrograd opened the State Institute of artistic culture (Ginhuke), engaged in theoretical research in the field of modern art. Departments of this Institute was headed by P. N. Filonov, N. Punin, M. V. Matyushin, V. E. Tatlin.

The experimental unit was charged., who planned to study theoretically the dependence of the occurrence of the art form from the material medium on examples of art from different times and peoples. So exploring the iconography, he saw the connection between technology Board processing (before drawing the image) and by lines, forms, images, icons. A number of his own compositions ("the Classic gesso" etc.) arose in connection with the study of icon painting techniques. One of the most famous and characteristic works of those years Mansurov - "Beer. Picturesque formula"(1922).Different color rectangles inscribed in a narrow vertical format boards, especially beloved by the master, who considered that the format itself tells the picture of sublime sound. Proceeding from traditions of the city signs, inspired many artists of the time, Mansurov, however, not keen on the color element, and emblematically of such images. Its composition consists of the letters "P" and "O" United reduced to geometric sign a picture of a beer mug.

Excessive polemical pressure Mansurov and his inconsistency in scientific research have become a cause for harsh criticism of Ginhuke. Smashed for formalism, detachment from reality, which in the end led to the closure of the Institute.

In 1928 Mansurov left with the exhibition of his works in Italy and never returned to Russia. Since 1929 he settled in Paris. In Europe, then markedly decreased interest in non-objective art, and until 1957, the artist worked mainly applied works, paintings, fabrics for fashion Houses, having success in this area.

In 1957 he took part in the exhibition "50 years of abstract art" at Galerie Creuse in Paris and then the rest of his life continued to create abstract compositions, using new combinations, painting techniques, found even in his younger years.

In 1972 in Paris opened a personal exhibition of Mansurov, which brought him international fame, and in 1995 at an exhibition in timing with his creativity were finally able to meet and compatriots.

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