Aronovich Izakson

Russia • 1907−1966

The artist of monumental-decorative art and graphic 9.11.1907 was born in Vilna, mind. 10.10.1966 in Moscow. Studied at MPI (1934-38) at L. A. Bruni, K. N. Istomin, I. Y. Pavlinov. He lived in Moscow. Participant of exhibitions from 1931 he Was a member of the Association "October" (1931-32). Drew for the magazine "Around the world" (1950s). He also worked in sculpture of small forms. Author of articles on issues Fig. art: "On painting "beautiful and smooth" ("Artist", 1962, No. 1, jointly. D. N. Domogatsky), "Grisaille" (ibid., No. 7), "On similarity" (ibid., 1963, №9), "the Master and the people" (ibid., 1965, №10). His portrait, wrote N.. Udaltsov (1950). From 1963 he worked primarily as a translator.

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