Vasilevich Karev

Russia • 1886−1970

Biografie und Informationen

Biography catalogue of the hood. the exhibition "15 years of RKKA". Moscow 1933

He studied at the city and then the real schools in Barnaul. He worked as a mechanic and blacksmith on the plants.

In 1905 he enrolled at the Kazan art school, where he moved in 1909 at the Moscow school of painting, which he graduated in 1914.

Participated in exhibitions AChRs. There are works in the Museum of the revolution, the Museum of the red army and other meetings.

Participant of the exhibition of the tenth anniversary of the red army.

In great art Vladimir Karev came before the revolution. He was born in 1886 in Barnaul in the family working. In 1905 he was able to get to the Kazan art school once in 3rd grade After graduation, he in 1908 and returned to his hometown, but a year later became a student of the school of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow. Favorite teachers of the young artist was N. . Kasatkin, F. A. Malyavin, S. Malyutin.

In Tomsk the exhibition of 1915 organized by the Society of artists of Siberians, it was shown more than thirty sketches. The main theme of his work was the genre of landscape. During this period he worked in a manner close Gorkino.

After graduation Karev returned to Barnaul and wants to devote himself to art. However, events changed everything. The artist changes the brush for a rifle and became part of the revolutionary struggles in the Altai. The memories of those years in Siberia formed the basis for his paintings "Kolchak (the Flight of white bandits and invaders from Siberia in 1919)".

After the civil war, he lives in Biysk. From the beginning of 20-ies-in Barnaul. A lot of attention to the artist along with Korzinin on the organization of the first art Museum and art school. For a time he was Director and teacher of the school.

Soon Karev moved to Moscow. Here he became a member of AHRR (Association of artists of revolutionary Russia) and was elected Secretary of the Central Board of AHRR, however, when it again loses.

In 1927, at the direction of the K E Voroshilov artist as a former member of the war in the Altai Republic and a member AHRR, sent to Barnaul. Here he has made a number of works on the theme of the partisan movement in the Altai. Among them are portraits of partisans Blynskogo, Vavulina, Zakharov. Especially interesting is the portrait of the commander of the guerrilla unit Rodion Zakharov, author of the documented stories of the civil war, "History of the Czechoslovak uprising" and "Altai guerrillas."

The events of the first years of the revolution and the civil war has long nurtured the creativity of the artist. This is the topic of many of his paintings -- "the Last horse", "Exploration", "Partisans", "the Executioners in the village" and a number of other One of the best works is considered to be "Kolchak (the Flight of white bandits and invaders from Siberia, 1919)". Great Siberian way, as it was called in those years, the route of Kolchak and pursued by the troops of the red Army, dedicated to this work of our countryman.

The picture of "Kolchak" was highly appreciated by his contemporaries and sent to vyshivka abroad. First it was exhibited in Venice, where he first saw the works of artists of the young Republic, and then in Cologne. In the German magazine includes an article about this painting and the color reproduced the artwork itself. Subsequently, the picture became the property of the State Tretyakov gallery.

In subsequent years, Vladimir Karev is actively involved in the artistic life of the capital. In 1924-1925, head of the Department of museums in the people's Commissariat for education, works at AHRR. In 1923 in Moscow the "Monument Ocherskiy revolution" -- the first test of the artist in the field of sculpture. But a much greater contribution it has made to the painting: in addition to the thematic paintings, they made a number of works of landscape painting by motives inspired by the nature of the Altai ("Dead cedar", "Malyi Karakol", "Zudilovo", "Nagorno cemetery" and several others).

In the second half of 20-ies the artist refers to the theme of the North by travelling to Murmansk, Kola and other places. In the first five years Karev refers to the industrial theme. Powerful socialist construction (Chelyabstroy, Uralmash), drummers and dignitaries of production captured by the artist in the paintings and portraits ("the foundry Uralmashzavod", "Portrait horovogo Samson"). In the war and postwar years he wrote a number of paintings devoted to the great Patriotic war, and works in the genre of landscape.

(According to the book the Fine arts of Altai)

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