Egorovich Eggink

Russia • 1787−1867

Historical painter and portraitist, born in Courland; in 1813 - 1814 he attended art classes at the Imperial Academy of Arts as volnoprihodyaschego student. After to continue his education, worked in Dresden, Berlin, Bonn, Munich and Italy mostly historical painting, and in 1822, in Verona, where the Emperor Alexander I on the occasion of the Congress, presented to that Emperor some of his works ("the Great Prince Vladimir chooses a religion", copies of paintings of "the entombment" by Raphael, "Danae" by Titian, seventeen miniatures, mostly copies of portraits of famous people). These works were purchased by the Emperor and appointed by the pension from the Treasury for a six-year stay in Rome. Returning to Russia in 1829, Eggink received from the Academy, in 1833, the title of class artist and in 1834, with the portrait of the fabulist Krylov (located in the conference hall of the Academy), the title of academician. Then he lived in Mitau, where from 1837 to 1858, was a teacher in high school. Of his original works, in addition to the above, known: "the Death of the Marquis Poses", "Ulysses and Nausicaa" (Courland in the Museum, in Mitava), "the Landing of Julius Caesar in Britain" (purchased one Scottish nobleman), "the Girl from Albano", "Roman" and some very good portraits.

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