Alexandrovna Klementyeva

Russia • 1896−1984

Schedule. Studied: 1913-1916 in the school of painting and sculpture of M. Bernstein and L. Sherwood, in 1918 visit the new art Studio, 1919 engaged in the Public art Studio of A. I. Savinov, Petrograd-Leningrad. Lived in St. Petersburg in 1913-1926 and from 1927, 1927 in Baku. In 1927 working as an artist-agitator ASCA GROWTH, is engaged in propaganda graphics, Baku, 1927 lithographs works of Losh, and AH, from 1936 cooperates with publishing houses in Moscow and Leningrad – with Dithizon, illustrated books of Russian classics A. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, Russian fairy tales. In 1941 evacuated to Stalingrad, 1942-1944 on the Ural, Tavda. Participant of exhibitions from 1933: including personal: Leningrad, 1939 (together. with S. M. Pozharsky), 1951 (proof. with N. E.Muratov), 1973 (sovm. with E. N. Orange), 1985, Saratov – 1970 (together. with E. G. Morozov). A member of the artists Union since 1933.

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