Dmitrievich Kolesnikov

Russia • geboren in 1932

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

B. 25.06.1932, S. Racine Ryazan region O. the Father of Roman Kolesnikov. and O. A. Kolesnikova. Zagorski studied at the art and craft school (1948-51) V. I. Baldin, S. Mitin, MVHPU (b. Stroganov) – 1952-56 S. V. Gerasimov, Y. I. Opryshko. Member of the artists Union (1957).

The main creative interests lie in K. the field of landscape. The author of the paintings "Green rye" (1953), "grey Urals" (1955), "the Ural industrial" (1955-56), "bodaybinskiy port" (1956), "Far away in Siberia" (1957), "the Vast suburbs" (1958), "Early snow" (1961), "the Pock" (1962), "hoar-Frost" (1963), "Cabbage" (1963, Ryazan regional art gallery), "Autumn. Fruits in Moscow" (1965), "Silence" (1966), "Zagorsk. Restoration of monuments" (1969), "Morning factory" (1972), "Spring", "may night", "Spring lace" (all – 1973), "Leaves of autumn" (1976), "October" (1979), "the Ancient city of Belev" (1987-89), "Holy spirit Church", "Holy spirit Cathedral" (both 1989), "the earth is round", "Gifts of the earth" (both 2002), "Bestuzhevo. Spring", "Saviour Transfiguration" (both 2004).

As a result of travel in Hungary and in Central Asia created a series (tempera) – "Hungary" (1962) and "Central Asia" (1974). Made a number of monumental-decorative works: ceiling depicting scenes from the performances ("Swan lake" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Prince Igor" of A. I. Borodin and others – M., 1959-60s, with B. A. Lobanov and V. P. Litvinov, the auditorium of the Palace of culture of Novokuznetsk aluminium factory), the diorama "the industry of the USSR" (M., 1967, together with others, the Central pavilion VDNH USSR), decorative mosaics (smal) and painting (sgraffito, the end of the 1960s, the interiors of the hotel in Pavlodar), mural "Mankind and the book" (mosaic – smalta, the beginning of the 1970s Library. A. S. Gorlovsky, Sergiev Posad) and "Decorative" (wood, the burning, the beginning of the 1970s, the foyer of the cinema "Yunost", Zagorsk) and others. He also performed a number of graphic works: "Lena" (gouache, 1956), "Surf" (gouache, 1956), "Fishermen go to sea" (watercolor, 1959) and others.

Participant of exhibitions (since 1949), including: the spring exhibition of works by artists Zagorski (Zagorsk, 1953), exhibition of works of artists of Zagorsk (Zagorsk, 1954), exhibitions of works of artists of Moscow region (M., 1954, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1966, 1971), exhibitions of works of artists of the RSFSR (M., 1950), exhibition of works by artists Zagorski (Zagorsk, 1956), exhibition of works by young artists of Moscow and Moscow region (M, 2, 1956, 3rd, 1957), exhibition of sketches by artists of the Moscow region (Moscow, 1957), exhibition of works by young artists of the Soviet Union for the VI world festival of youth and students (Moscow, 1957), "Zagorski artists" (Zagorsk, 1957), all-Union art exhibition "40 years of Komsomol" (Moscow, 1958), exhibition of works by young artists of Moscow region (Moscow, 1959, 1967), "Artists of Moscow region XXII Congress of the CPSU" (M., 1961), all-Union exhibition of young artists (Moscow, 1962), All-Russian art exhibition "In unison" (Moscow, 1964), "Artists of the RSFSR – agricultural workers" (Leningrad, 1966), art exhibition for the 25th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow (Moscow, 1966), 3rd exhibition "the Centre – North region" (Smolensk, 1969), "Artists of Moscow region" (Moscow, 1972, 1973), 4-th exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia" (Ivanovo, 1974), zonal art exhibition "Moscow" (Moscow, 1980), the third zonal art exhibition "Moscow" (Moscow, 1990), "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, 2002, 2004), "Artists of Sergiev Posad" (Wiley, 2004).

K. exhibition took place in 1971 (M.), 1953, 1963, 1966-67, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004 (Sergiev Posad).

The works of K. are stored in the Petrozavodsk art Museum, Orekhovo-Zuevsky Museum, Serpukhov history and art Museum, Moscow regional Museum of local lore, SPMZ, the Perm art Museum, and private collections in the USA, Hungary, Japan, France and Russia.

LITERATURE: the Artists of the Moscow region: the Illustrated art encyclopedia: 1300 biographies. – M., 2002. – S. 167. – Bio-bibliographic dictionary of Artists of the USSR, the XI-XX centuries – V. 5. – M., 2002. – S. 173-174. – A. D. Kolesnikov / the Author-sost. M. D. Blinkin. – Zagorsk, 1956. – Exhibition of works by the artist A. Kolesnikova:. Painting. – M., 1973. – United art rating: Handbook. – Vol. 5. – M., 2002. – P. 216. Arts of the RSFSR. – Vol. 2: Artists of territories, regions and Autonomous republics. – M., 1957. – S. 41. Artists Of Kuzbass. – L., 1963. – S. 11. – Exhibitions: A Handbook. – T. 4. S. 597 (index); vol. 5. S. 759 (the pointer). – Chronicle of the artistic life. – 1973. – P. 122; the same – 1974. – P. 127; same – 1977. – S. 86. – Works of artists of the Russian Federation, donated to the museums. 1972. – P. 48. – Autumn salon-2004: K-g exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculpture. – Sergiev Posad, 2004. – S. 11. CATALOGS: Spring exhibition of works Zagorski artists. – Zagorsk, 1953. – S. 6. – Exhibition of works of artists of Zagorsk area. – Zagorsk, 1954. – S. 7. – Exhibitions of works of artists of the Moscow region. – M., 1954. – S. 7; 1955 Moscow, 1956. – S. 2; 1957, M., 1958. – S. 24; M., 1960. – S. 25; Moscow, 1966. – S. 11; M., 1971. – S. 14. – Exhibition of works of artists of the RSFSR. – M., 1955. – S. 21; 1957. – S. 31. – Exhibition of works Zagorski artists. – Zagorsk, 1956. – S. 10; Exhibition of works by young artists of Moscow and Moscow region. – M.: 2-I, 1956. – P. 21; 3rd, 1957. – S. 20-21). – Exhibition of sketches by artists of the Moscow region. – M., 1957. – S. 12, 26. – Exhibition of works by young artists of the Soviet Union for the VI world festival of youth and students. – M., 1957. – S. 18. – "Zagorski artists". Exhibition 1957 – Zagorsk, 1957. – S. 23. – All-Union art exhibition "40 years VLKSM". – M., 1958. – P. 34. – Exhibition of works by young artists of Moscow region. – M., 1959. – S. 23; 1967. – P. 6). – Exhibition "Artists of Moscow region XXII Congress of the CPSU". – M., 1961. – C. 5. – All-Union exhibition of young artists. – M., 1962. – P. 26. – The exhibition "In unison". – M., 1964. – S. 18. – Artists of the RSFSR – agricultural workers. – L., 1966. – C. 3. – Art exhibition for the 25th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow. – M., 1966. – P. 24. – 3rd exhibition "the Centre – North region". – Smolensk, 1969. – S. 20. – Regional exhibition "Artists of Moscow". – M., 1972. – P. 14; 1973. – S. 19. – 4th exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia". – Ivanovo, 1974. – S. 12. – Exhibition of works of artists of Zagorsk: To-d / Authors-comp. V. Desyatnikov, E. Ermolaev. – M., 1975 (without pages). – zonal art exhibition "suburbs". – M., 1980. – C. 17. Third zonal art exhibition "Moscow":-G. – M., 1990. – S. 15. – Autumn salon-2002: the year of paintings, drawings and sculpture of the V exhibition. – Sergiev Posad, 2002. – S. 12. – Autumn salon-2004: K-g paintings, drawings and sculptures. – Sergiev Posad, 2004. – S. 11. – PERIODICALS: the Drummer (Dmitrov). – 1949. – 16 Nov; 1952. – April 9. – Change. – 1953. – N17. – C. 17. – A light. – 1956. – N19; 1962. – N51. Artist. – 1964. – N8. – S. 5; 1975. – N7. – S. 64. – The banner of Lenin. – 1971. – October 5 (the Singer of native nature). – Art. – 1973. – N10. – C. 11; 1975. – N5. – P. 78. – Forward (Zagorsk). – 1976. – 23 Dec (Fifth personal); 1983. – September 27 (V. Ivanov. ...And watercolors). – Forward (Sergiev Posad). – 1999. – 11 Feb (M. Blinkin. Half a century in the art of painting), 2004. – 27 Jan. (A. Greeks. Another discovery). [48]

A. G.

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