Alexandrovna Kotukhina

Russia • 1915−2007

Biografie und Informationen

Born 5 (18) June 1915 in the village of Gora, Vladimir province. Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1957), people's artist of the RSFSR (1974), people's artist of the USSR (1985), laureate of the State prize them. I. E. Repin (1970). Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1944. After the death of his mother was taken to the shelter. Then her brother took care of my grandfather, who lived in the village of Vasilievsky (18 km from Barnaul). After graduation in 1932, he enrolled in Shuya pedagogical College. In 1933-1934 he studied at the vocational school, 1934-1940 - in Palekh art school. Teacher - N.M.Zinoviev, N..Pravdin, N. M.Parilov, E. Pankov. In the autumn of 1940 he worked in the Association of Palekh artists.

Was painting the interior (the concert hall in the hotel "Rossiya" in Moscow (1970), hospital "porn" in the village of Lomy, Ivanovo region (1980), sanatorium "Krasnaya Talka" in the city of Gelendzhik in Krasnodar Krai (1984); supervised the painting of the cinema "Ruslan" in Pushkin, Leningrad region (1971-1972)), theatrical-decorative painting (sketches of scenery to ballet A. Lyadov "the Tale of the dead Princess" (1949), the Opera "Kaschey the Immortal" (1950) for the Leningrad academic Maly Opera theatre the costumes for the Leningrad ballet company "Choreographic miniatures" (1971-1972)), illustration for magazines, design cards. Copied By I. I. Golikov, I. P. Vakurova. Themes of works: folklore, history, literature, genre scenes of the Great Patriotic war. Participated in exhibitions since 1940.

The work of A. A. Katukinas are stored in museums: gmpi, timing, Umgeni, PIM, SHAMS, Ivanovo OXM, OXM Irkutsk, GMAN, HF Russia.