Ivanovich Kudelkin

Russia • 1911−1995

An outstanding Tatar painter and graphic artist, one of the first masters of the Tatar fine arts. Studied at the Cheboksary art College in 1933-1938, and then refresher courses at Moscow state. V. I. Surikov in Moscow (1938-1940).

Worked in Kazan. Exhibited at the all-Union Art Exhibition (Moscow, 1951), the exhibition "Soviet Russia" (Moscow, 1960).

From 1946 to 1975 he taught at the Kazan art school. The artist's works are in the Museum of fine arts of Tatarstan, in many Russian museums and private collections.

Born 9 Jan 1911 in city the Alatyr of the Simbirsk province (now the Republic of Chuvashia). He graduated from Alatyr (now the Cheboksary) art school (1933-1938), in 1938-1940 she studied in Moscow at professional development courses for artists at the Institute of fine arts. In 1940 he lived and worked in Kazan.

From the first days of the great Patriotic war V. I. Kudelkin went to the front and ended the war near Berlin. Awarded military orders and medals. After demobilization V. I. Kudelkin returns to Kazan and devoted himself to the education of professional young people - more than 30 years of teaching in the art College, has been its Director.

Having started his career in 30 years as a graphic artist, subsequently making great strides in easel painting. He became one of the leading masters of the Republic in the genres of thematic painting, portrait and landscape. A prominent place in his work belongs to the historical paintings on the military-Patriotic theme reflecting the images of soldiers, immortal feat Jalil. Created by Vladimir Kudelkin portrait gallery of contemporaries includes images of many notable people of Tatarstan - writers, artists, scientists, war veterans, construction workers, oil workers, workers and farmers. In the paintings of the artist reflects the will and optimism, strong creative nature of man. Heroes portraits of the master are attracted to its immediacy, the human charm, poetic warmth.

The best works of V. I. Kudelina have been exhibited at numerous exhibitions.

For achievements in the visual arts V. I. Kudelkin was awarded the honorary title "people's artist of the Republic of Tatarstan" and "Honored artist of Russia", in 1986 he was awarded the State prize of Tatarstan named after G. Tukai.

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