Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR, laureate of State prize. I.E. Repin.
The painter on porcelain, painter, graphic artist, designer, muralist. He studied at the Pskov art school (1918-22), in VHUTEIN-VKhUTEMAS (1922-24) K. Petrov-Vodkin, A. Savinov. In 1923-26 studied and worked in the Institute of artistic culture in the formal-theoretical Department of K. Malevich (GINKHUK). Participant of exhibitions from 1927. From 1942 he worked at the Leningrad porcelain factory im. M.V. Lomonosov. He travelled all over the country. Worked in the field of design of public buildings and exhibitions. Works are in the Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk arts (Moscow); the State Russian Museum (S. Petersburg), in private collections.
The painter on porcelain, painter, graphic artist, designer, muralist. Honored artist of the RSFSR.
From 1918 to 1922, he studied in Moscow art-industrial school and then two years in VHUTEIN-VKhUTEMAS in K. Petrov-Vodkin, A. Savinov. From 1923 to 1926, he studied and worked in Ginhuke, in the formal-theoretical Department of K. Malevich. Was
not only the student, but the Secretary of Malevich: it has for many years was kept archive and drawings mentor. In the early 20-ies took part in creation of "Black square": "He told us to paint over, and we painted". In Malevich she met her future husband, the artist Nikolai Sechinym.
In the prewar a lot of paintings in oil and watercolour, worked as a designer.
In the beginning of the war, after the introduction of the military orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky, Leporsky was requested to re-arrange the grave of Alexander Nevsky,
N. Suetina - the grave of Suvorov.
After the war, Leporskaya at the insistence of her husband, at the time chief artist of the Leningrad porcelain factory im. M.V. Lomonosov, comes to the Lomonosov porcelain factory. Its name is due to a whole line of work of the plant, develops the traditions of Russian classicism. The works of Leporsky awarded the highest grades at the exhibition of the International Academy of ceramics
in Geneva, at exhibitions in Brussels, Kabul, Damascus, Leipzig, Oslo, Vienna, Budapest, Turin, Gothenburg and in many other cities around the world.
Works of the artist are in Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum of decorative-applied
and folk art, the state Russian Museum, and in private collections.
Anna Leporskaya. Painting. Graphics. Porcelainexhibition added
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Anna Leporskaya. Painting. Graphics. Porcelain