Dmitrievich Linitsky

Russia • geboren in 1934

Biografie und Informationen

Graduated from the Surikov Institute.

Was the first religious painter in the Soviet Union, decided to acquaint the audience with their creativity. In the 1970-ies his paintings could be seen in small zalchike on Malaya Gruzinskaya where it was "spelled out" most non-conformist artists.

Was alchemical in different temples, for example, in the exaltation of the cross on the highway altufyevskoe.

December 11, 1981 he was tonsured a monk hegumen Alexy (Kazakov).

9 January 1982, delivered to him a Hierodeacon by themetropolitan Gennady (Sekach).

May 9, 1983, made a hieromonk Bartholomew Bishop of Tashkent.

In 1991, a mere Sana'a is accepted under the omophorion of Bishop Lazar (Zhurbenko) of Odessa (Russian Orthodox Church Abroad).

Appointed Bishop 17 Dec 1996 in Ternopil Bishop Mefodii (kudriakov) and Bishop John (Modzelewski) with the title of Bishop of St. Petersburg and Staraya Russa.

Bishop (later Archbishop) Dmitrovskoe from 26 June 1997 to 10 January 2000

The Chairman of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Court, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

Member Of The SV. Of the Synod of the Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC).

On 16 March 2000 was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan of Moscow.

Metropolitan Apostolic Orthodox Church.

  • Schule
  • Schüler