Konstantinovich Likhin

Russia • 1879−1967

Biografie und Informationen

Born in the city Sudzha Kursk region in the family of a merchant of the 2nd Guild, he studied painting in Odessa drawing school (from 1885) with K. K. Kostandi and G. A. Lodyzhensky, graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of arts where his teachers were p. P. Chistyakov and I. E. Repin. His diploma work - painting "Mother" - was purchased by the Academy of arts for her rooms at the fabulous then price - 600 rubles in gold. His professional activity begins in the schools and the City of Belopolye (Ukraine) and then in his native Sudzha as a teacher of drawing. School work L. has combined with public promotion of the fine arts, has organized lectures and art exhibitions. In 1934 he moved to Kursk, where he led the Studio of young artists. In 1935 he initiated the establishment and became the first head of the Kursk regional picture gallery. In the same year acted as one of initiators of creation of the Kursk Union of artists. He was the Chairman of the Union, Chairman of the arts Council. In the postwar years, L. has been teaching in the Kursk art and graphic school. In 1951 L. returned to the farm house, was engaged only in creativity. He was buried in the town cemetery Sugi.

Most of the works of L. is stored in the Kursk regional art gallery named after A. A. Deineka, as well as in museums of Michurinsk, Sumy, Nikolaev, Voronezh and other cities. In the regional Museum of the Kursk are the works of L. "Feudal manufacture early XIX century in Kursk province" and "the Escape of Prince Igor from Polovtsian captivity". Over 100 works of L. is in the collections of Kireyevka Museum. His most significant paintings: "Train" (1904 Yuzhnyy history Museum), portrait of P. A. St (1938, written from life), "Partisans" (1946), "Memories of the Kursk". The home of the artist there is a memorial Museum of L. house, which belonged to his wife's parents.