Nikolaevna Lotova

Russia • geboren in 1958

Biografie und Informationen

Born in 1958 in Moscow in a family of artists. In 1971-73 he studied at the art school No. 1 (Kropotkin). Teachers Demko A. I., Mukhin V. N. In 1973-77, he studied at the Moscow Academic College of Memory 1905 (a blunder). Teacher in painting - Bulgakov M. M. In 1979 he joined the Youth Association of artists and art historians. Member of Moscow Union of artists, section of painting. since 1982 Participated in the youth, Moscow, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Works are in the collections of Mosh, Min. Of culture of Russia, in museums of Russia, the Museum of fine arts "Dragon" (Taiwan), in the collection of Steve Eastham (USA) - about 20 paintings in the collection, Shibaeva V. ("Astarte", Russia) - about 20 paintings in private collections in Russia, Germany, England, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, France, Singapore and Poland. Works in oil painting and pastels. In 1984, the diploma for the painting "15th youth exhibition". In 1985 a diploma for the best work of the year at the youth Association MOSKh. In 1996, the diploma of participant of exhibition-competition. Viktor Popkov. The winner of creative competition of women-artists of Russia "Spring salon 2001" Prize ICCA. In 2003, the diploma of the Russian Academy of arts for paintings at the exhibition "World of painting"

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)