Pavlovich Mitinsky

Russia • 1905−1970

Biografie und Informationen

One of the oldest artists of Tyumen, born 7 Jul 1905 in Tyumen. Worked in the Tyumen art Studio (1918, 1920-1923, 1923-1925) M. I. Avilov, I. Beskova, K. P. Trofimov. Studied by correspondence at the State Institute of practical knowledge in Rostov-on-don (1933-1935) and at the Central courses of improvement of qualification in Moscow (1947) from B. V. Johanson. Member of the Sverdlovsk branch of AHRR since 1928. A member of the artists Union since 1934. Graphic artist, painter. He worked in watercolors. Landscape painter, author of stylized landscape-genre compositions. One of the organizers and the first Chairman of the Tyumen branch of the Union of artists of the RSFSR (1944-1949). Conducted a great scientific-pedagogical activity (1930-1958), educated at art school many of the professional artists of Tyumen. Participant of city, regional, Russian and Republican exhibitions. Solo exhibitions: 1936, 1937 (both - Omsk, club them. Liubcova), 1945 (Tyumen region House of arts), 1955 (Tyumen region Museum of local lore) 1962, 1965, 1975, 1986 (all - Tyumen, TAG). Works are TMII, TOKM, THIAS, Omsk state Museum of fine arts, the Perm regional art gallery, and in private Russian collections. Lived and died in Tyumen.

(Artists Of Tyumen. – Tyumen, 1994. – P. 44.)

During daily journeys through the city he never parted with the pencil, brush and album. The artist draws and writes all the things that he knows and loves from childhood: quiet streets and neighborhoods, immersed in the greenery of ancient trees, wooden houses with carved architraves and ice skating, chapels and churches of the nearby villages, monumental mills and barns... during these years, Mitinskaya sought with love to show the new face of Tyumen. He rapidly attracted the landscapes of the city under construction: the motives of multi-storey buildings, jetties and wharves, buildings. In one of the later letters the artist wrote: "my Idea is to show old and new Tyumen. You only need to do this so that the public interest and to represent the artistic value - and it's hard. Yes, I love my town, where it becomes all better." So for decades - from 20's to 70 years of the artist working on the series "Old and new Tyumen".

Since 20-ies of the Mitino based on rich documentary material created numerous "fantasy" on the subject of ancient architecture. His passion for history and art Drana Russia, ancient legends, Russian folk tales, fairy tales is directly connected with the name mills. Under his direct influence Mitinskaya creates a small, postcard size, miniatures, referring to the technique of watercolor, using ink, pen, gouache, white. Under the pen and brush artist born tale: we face stretches over the hills of the ancient city and impregnable fortress, with high watchtowers and towers with lace trims, fascia boards are made up openwork, carved horses, porches, galerani, with a string of painted boats on the blue ribbon rivers. All the miniatures made by him in a markedly stylized, gounkoto decorative and linear-patterned manner. Rich, bright color, assembled into an audible local spots, limited clear contour lines, flexible, smooth, brings a special melody.

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