Ivanovich Pasko

Russia • geboren in 1940

Biografie und Informationen

Honored artist of Russia

Born in 1940 in Sukhumi. In 1965 he graduated from the faculty of applied art of Moscow textile Institute. Teachers of drawing and painting was Pochitalov V. V., A. M. Dubinchik, Chistyakov O. V., Antonov V. F., and others.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

Honored artist of Russia (1995).

Member of the Union of artists of Russia (1971). The Diploma Of The Russian Academy Of Arts (2001). Board member of the Moscow Union of artists. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Association of Artists (USDA). He graduated from Batumi art school (1959). He graduated from the faculty of applied art of Moscow textile Institute (1965).

Teachers of drawing and painting was Pochitalov V. V., A. M. Dubinchik, Chistyakov O. V., Antonov F. V. et al. in 1965 participant of Moscow, all-Russian, all-Union and international art exhibitions. Works are in the gallery Art prima, other galleries and private collections in Russia and abroad.