Vasilyevich Popov

Russia • 1873−1914

Biografie und Informationen

Academician of painting. The painting "winter Migrants", "Walkers in new places", "flooded grasslands", etc.

He studied at the school of the Society for the encouragement of arts in St. Petersburg and at the Academy of fine arts. In 1912 he received the title of academician. On the road shows performed from 1900 until his death (1903-member of the Association). Belonged to the most progressive circles of the late peredvizhnichestva, reflected in his works the life and revolutionary struggle of the peasantry (picture of "Walkers in new places", "Agitator", "get Up, get up..." etc.), scenes from the life of the workers, the progressive intelligentsia (the painting "Companions"; "Socialists", etc.).

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    Landschaft, Porträt, Architektur, Maritime Kunst, Genre-Szene, Interieur
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