Pavlovich Rubinsky

Russia • 1919−1996

1919, Klimovichi, Belarus - 1996, Moscow

Honored artist of Russia (1995). In 1936-1942 he studied at MGHI them. Surikov in the Studio of Professor S. Gerasimov. In 1942-1945 - WWII. In 1943 he joined the Union of artists (mtkh - Moscow Association of artists). 1946 - participant of more than 60 art exhibitions (all-Union, Republican, Moscow and group art exhibitions in England, Italy). In 1976 he held a solo exhibition I. Rybinskogo in Moscow.

The artist's works are in museums of Russia, Central Asia, and also in private collections in England, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, France, etc.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

He was born may 5, 1919 in Moscow. From a family of hereditary nobles, who had his coat of arms from the XIV century. His father was an artist-teacher. Mother was a pianist and taught foreign languages.

In 1924. Rubinsky family moved to the suburbs where the future artist finished the eighth grade, passed the external examinations for secondary school and enrolled in MGHI them.Surikov, who graduated in 1942. at the Sergei Gerasimov. It was the first release of the Surikov Institute under the guidance of such prominent artist-teachers as Alexander and Sergei Gerasimov, Dmitry Moore, Alexander Deineka, Pyotr Pokarzhevsky, Segal, Basil Pochitalov, Boris Ioganson.

During the great Patriotic war P. I. Rubinsky served in the Main political Directorate of the Northern fleet.

Since 1945, I. P. Rubinsky becomes a member of the Union of artists of the USSR and began to participate in exhibitions. He is a member of almost all Republican and all-Union exhibitions.

In the forties P. I. Rubinsky wrote the scenery for the Bolshoi theatre in the early fifties, landscapes and murals for the new building of Moscow University on Lenin hills. In subsequent years I traveled around the country.

Master of thematic picture, portrait landscape and still life, although he loved to paint landscapes, considering it his main vocation.

In 1995, I. P. Rubinsky was awarded the title of Honored artist of Russia.

Died I. P. Rubinsky in 1996 in Moscow.

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