Fedorovich Sokolov

Russia • 1791−1848

Biografie und Informationen

Russian artist Peter Fedorovich Sokolov (1791, Moscow – 1848, Kharkov province) – the founder of watercolor portrait from life, lithographer, watercolorist, portraitist. Watercolor paintings are a kind of window into the past through which in the 21st century look brilliant officers and secular beauties, statesmen and musicians, participants of the war of 1812, generals, the Decembrists, the dames, officials and many others.
Famous paintings of Peter Sokolov with titles – portraits:
• V. A. Zhukovsky;
• I. G. Poletyka;
• P. N. Ryumina;
• S. A. Urusova, etc.
The stories and names of the artist's paintings allow a glimpse of the face, enliven the pages of this era. The work of Peter Fedorovich Sokolov include more than 500 works, which are stored in small and large museums of Russia, private collections.
The last time of his life the artist spent in Moscow.

The titles of the works of Peter Fedorovich Sokolov, and pictures of famous paintings you will find in the pages of Archive.