Magomedovich Salavatov

Russia • 1922−2005

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR.

Was born in Dagestan in the city of Buynaksa may 21, 1922 in the family of the worker - typographer. He studied at the school until 1940. During his school years he attended the art Studio at the House of artistic education of children and pose the Studio under the Ministry of culture of Dagestan Dmitry Capannina. In 1937 at the International exhibition exhibited watercolors "from audacity". Participated in the great Patriotic war. During the liberation of Donbass was seriously wounded.With the end of 1944 he worked as a set designer in the theatre, in Newspapers, in publishing houses. From 1961 to 1967 he was Chairman of the Union of artists of Dagestan. For merit in fine arts awarded the order "badge of honor" and privacy the honorary title "Honored artist of the RSFSR" and "people's artist of Dagestan." With 1950 gedaechtnis all exhibitions of fine arts in Dagestan,regional exhibitions,National and International exhibitions of books. In 1968 and 1972, was organized in the Central house of workers discusswireless exhibitions of works of art in the Central house of journalists 3 thematic personal exhibitions. For a long time worked in the publishing house "Planeta". Then worked in the Moscow public schools. Last place of work the Lyceum on m Kolomenskaya led from the circle and formal - retoviral the Seine inside the school, there remains a lot of work. Died in August 2005.

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