Ivanovna Samoilovsky

Russia • 1901−1986

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(09.12.1901, g. Kungur of Perm. lips. - 1986, Moscow).

Painter, graphic artist. Born in the family of a shoemaker. Studied at the art Studio in the city of Kungur (1921), G. A. Melentyev, in the Kazan architectural College (1922-1926). P. A. Berkova, A. G. Platonova, K. K. Chebotareva, in VHUTEINe in Moscow (1926-1930).. N. Of Kupreyanov, A. A. Deineka, V. A. Favorsky, D. S. Moore, L. A. Bruni. Participant of exhibitions (since 1925).

A member and Exhibitor Association "October" (1929). In 1929-1931 he made several journeys into Central Asia (Bukhara, Samarkand). The lifestyle of the people, the peculiar nature dedicated a series of watercolors, which included: "in Bukhara. Sunny day", "Bake cakes", "the street of Osh city". Worked in Siberia on one of the main construction five-year - Kuznetsstroy (1931-1933), which was sent on the ticket of the people's Commissariat. Enthusiastically worked on industrial subjects, experienced with working all the steps of a Grand building, studied the production process. The pathos of time is evident in the monumental, expressive sheets from the series "Construction Case", "Kuznetskstroy. Gur plant": "Pit", "Feed mix", "Construction", "the Descent into the mine". Masterfully combines watercolor, ink and pencil. Turned to the subject of miners, travelled to the Donbass, Gorlovka (1935-1936), and later in the mining town of Kizel of Perm. region (1960s). Made leaves: "the waste heap", "Before descending into the mine", "the night shift" (watercolor, whitewash). Graphic works from the series "Trubnikovsky lane", "Moscow automobile plant" (1930) is devoted to old and new Moscow. Made several journeys in the Caucasus (1938-1940) created large watercolor landscapes of Armenia and Georgia, a series of drawings dedicated to the town of Gori – the Motherland of Joseph Stalin. During the great Patriotic war she lived in evacuation in the town of Kungur, worked as a nurse in the hospital, continued to work creatively.

In the postwar years, lived and worked in Moscow, was engaged in lithography, headed the lithographic Studio of the Moscow branch of the Union of artists (1945-1958 gg.). Turned again to industrial issues. Was made a series of lithographs - "Spilling steel", "Blast furnace shop of the old factory", "City of mines", which were shown at exhibitions of the Studio.

In the 1950s-1970s, makes a series of creative journeys: the Kama hydroelectric power station (1953), in Dagestan, Krasnodar Krai, the creativity House "Hot key" (1958), the Urals (1965), Kazan (1966), the House of creativity "Senezh" in Tarusa (the 1970s). Created a series of graphic works that were shown at numerous exhibitions. The artist often traveled to the city of Kungur, for many years worked on the series "City of Kungur my homeland." With a great love of family, the familiar childhood places written watercolours "River Sylva", "Kungur in the sunset", "Ice cave".

Works are in the collections of the State Tretyakov gallery, State Museum of fine arts. Pushkin State art Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm. state art gallery, Kungur Museum.


Union: "Poster at the service of the five-year plan", 1932; young artists dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol at the Tretyakov gallery. Moscow, 1939; painting, sculpture, drawing to the First all-Union Congress of Soviet artists. Moscow, 1957; dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the October revolution, Central exhibition hall, Moscow; art exhibition, Manege, Moscow, 1961; devoted to the 30 anniversary of the Union of artists of the USSR. Moscow, 1962; exhibition of prints. Minsk, 1974; autumn exhibition, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the USSR.

International: Soviet graphic arts, books, poster, pictures and art industry. Johannesburg, 1931; "Contemporary art of the USSR". San Francisco, Chicago, new York, 1933

Regional: exhibition of Moscow artists (1930-1980-ies), "Ural – blacksmith arms", Sverdlovsk, 1941

Personal: Kazan (1966), Perm (1971), Moscow (1983), Kungur city (1972, 1983), Moscow (1978).


A. S. stavrovskiy and A. I. Samoilovsky: exhibition catalogue. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1940; Molotov art gallery: catalogue: painting, sculpture, graphics. Molotov, 1944. 151 p., [35] L. Il.; Serebrennikov N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm: Book. publishing house, 1959. 256 p.; Anna Samoilovsky: exhibition catalogue / author introd. articles and comp. N. V. Skomorovsky. Kungur, 1983. 38 p.; Russian original graphics 1920-1930-ies: directory / introd. article N. N. Novopashina; photo by A. M. Bobrov; Perm. state art. gallery. Perm: Star, 2002. 220 p.: Il.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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