Kazimirovich Stefansky

Russia • 1889−1942

Biografie und Informationen

Born in Yekaterinoslav (today Ukraine) in 1889, Died in Moscow in 1942

Stefano studied painting with the famous landscape painter I. Goryushkin–Sorokopudov, was fond of French impressionism. In 1914, the young artist was drafted into the army. Demobilized after the revolution of 1917, he was actively involved in political activities. In the period from 1918 to 1922, Stefano worked in Smolensk. During these years he participated in exhibitions together with Kazimir Malevich.

(28.V. (11.VI).1889, lots – 31.III.1942, Moscow), painter. Graduated from the Penza art school, he taught drawing at the Krasnoslobodsky school. In June 1918, he participated in the first exhibition of the Smolensk society of artists with paintings, “Hydrangea” and “the City. The lonely”. Becoming one of the leading artists of Smolensk, directs the Studio Proletkult, illustrates books and magazines, works in the theater. Moved to Yelnya, where she manages the art Department and is responsible for organization of local branch of Union of artists. In 1922 he moved to Moscow.

Lit.: Rick. The proletarian exhibition // of Lime of the Executive Committee of Council of workers, peasants and soldiers ' deputies. – Smolensk, 1918, October 22; agate A. the Second exhibition of paintings Smolensky society of artists // Voice. – Minsk, 1919. No. 1; Osokin, V. N., Rybchenkov B. F. etc. the Artists of the land in Smolensk. L., 1967; Stefano V. memories of my father // Smolenskiy Region, 1992. – No. 3; Popova E. Painter of his time // work path, 1990, March 15.

(the author - E. P. Popov)

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