Was born in Yaroslavl province. For some time he lived in St. Petersburg. About 1895 he went to Balaam, he became a novice in the monastery for two years, wrote the icons. Returned to Petersburg, he attended the Drawing school of the society, and the private Studio of L. Dmitriev-Caucasian. In 1901 he enrolled as a volunteer in the St. Petersburg Academy of arts from 1902 he studied in the Studio of I. Repin. In 1909 he received the title of artist. Worked in St. Petersburg. He painted portraits and genre scenes, landscapes of the Russian North Caucasus; executed portraits of members of the Royal family. Participated in the Spring exhibitions in the halls of Academy and 44-th exhibition TPHV (1916). Received prizes in the competition. A. Kuindzhi painting for "nanny" (acquired by the Museum AH) and "Lady in black" (acquired by the Leipzig Museum at the International exhibition in Munich), the 1st prize of the OPKh for genre painting and a commemorative award. Princess Eugenia of Oldenburg. Included in O-vo im. A. Kuindzhi, Community of artists and Yaroslavl art about. In 1912 traveled to Europe, worked in Paris, studied at the Munich Academy of arts. In 1919, he emigrated to the Kingdom of skhs (Serbs, Croats and Slovenes). Designed the performances in the Croatian national theater in Zagreb. From 1923 he lived in new York, took us citizenship. Worked as a portraitist. Presented in state Russian Museum, the State Central theater Museum im. A. Bakhrushin, etc.
Born in a village in the Yaroslavl province. After graduating from a rural school twelve-year-old teenager came to St. Petersburg. Worked in the workshop making signs. In fifteen years left Petersburg and went a novice at Valaam monastery, where for two years he mastered the skill of icon painting.
After returning to Petersburg he was at the Drawing school society for the encouragement of arts and in the Studio of L. E. Dmitriev-Kavkazsky. From 1901 to 1909, was a volunteer at the Academy of fine arts, where among his mentors were I. Repin. In 1909, N. Kharitonov, for the painting "Icarus" was awarded the title of artist.
Since that time the active life of the painter. He works a lot, travels around the country and in Europe. In Paris he meets F. I. Shalyapin, writes two picturesque portrait of the great compatriot, makes a series of pencil drawings.
Kharitonov participated in the Spring exhibitions of the Academy of arts, exhibitions of the society. A. I. Kuindzhi, Community artists etc.
N. In. Kharitonov is the winner of the prize named after A. I. Kuindzhi painting for "nanny" and "Lady in black".
Member of the society named after A. Kuindzhi, Yaroslavl art society.
During the First world war and made numerous pencil portraits of generals of the Russian army.
After the revolution of 1917, he moved to new York, became an American citizen, was a famous American portraitist.
Work Kharitonova.In. there are in state Russian Museum, the Theatre Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin, the museums of Yaroslavl, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.
Portrait der TochterNikolay Vasilevich Kharitonov zur Sammlung