Anatolyevich Khmelnitsky

Ukraine • geboren in 1924

Painter, painter of monumental and decorative art. People's artist of Ukraine (1984), corresponding member of Academy of arts of Ukraine (1997). B. 2 Aug 1924 in Kharkov - the mind. 5 June 1998 ibid. Combatant during the great Patriotic war. Graduated from KhSAI (1947-53), where he studied with A. Lyubimskiy, M. Rybalchenko, P. Kotov, L. Chernov, M. Shaposhnikov. A member HO CFS from 1956, the Chairman of painting section of the HO CFS (1972-76; 1981-98). Participant of exhibitions since 1951, Republican, all-Union and foreign since 1953. Personal exhibitions: Kharkiv - 1989, 1995,1998; Simferopol - 1997. Worked in hhpi, Professor (1978).

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