Petrovich Chernyshev

Russia • 1906−1969

Biografie und Informationen

Thesis in the CVC made. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist of the construction of monumental painting.

1906, der. The settlements Oseevsky parish, Bogorodsky district

Moscow province. – 1969, Moscow.

Muralist, painter, graphic, sculptor.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1918-1927 the family moved to the village of Sary Kraim Penza district

The Saratov province. Here he graduated from high school, was in charge of

elementary school, library, participated in the liquidation of illiteracy.

1927 he entered the newly qualified, first in a textile Department, ztem moved

in the monumental Department painting Department. Studied with L. Bruni,

K. Istomin, P. Kuznetsov, A. Kuprin, N. Udaltsova, N. Chernyshova,

V. Favorsky. After the reorganization of the higher art and technical Institute was transferred to Leningrad.

1931 finishes Academy of arts (studied with K. Petrov-Walkin).

In the mid-30s at the invitation of Tabor worked monumental

workshop at the Academy of architecture of the USSR.

1941-1945, the great Patriotic war.

1946 performed a series of large-format tempera easel paintings

on the basis of travel sketches of wartime. He taught the course of technology

monumental painting in the Moscow art vocational school.

In the 1950s, under the leadership of Pavel Korin was involved in creating the mosaic

painting "Kutuzov" (metro station "Komsomolskaya-ring", Moscow).

1959-1961 taught at the Moscow state art

Institute. V. I. Surikov.

Personal exhibitions:

1967 exhibition hall of the Moscow artists ' Union, Vavilova str., 65, Moscow;

1990 exhibition hall of Union of artists, Kuznetsk bridge, 20, Moscow;

1994-2004 held 11 solo exhibitions in art museums

and exhibition halls of the cities of Central Russia (Vologda, Istra,

Kostroma, Penza, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl, etc.);

2006 gallery "the Ark".

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian

Museum State Museum of fine arts. Pushkin

in many art museums and galleries of Russia, in private collections

Russia, Austria, great Britain, Italy, Spain, USA, France.