Vladimirovich Ender

Russia • 1893−1960

Painter, graphic designer. In 1918-21 he studied at Petrograd. SVOMAS, K. Petrov-Vodkin and Kazimir Malevich. From 1923 to participate in exhibitions. In 1923-27 et al. Of in Leningrad ginhuke (worked under arms. M. Matyushina). In 1930-31 he worked in Malarstwie on the design of Moscow (G. Chapperon from the Bauhaus). Picturesque abstract composition ("composition Colour", 1921), vol. Fig. etc.

Born in St. Petersburg on 23 January (4 February) 1893, in the family of agronomist of Russified Germans. Took drawing lessons from Ivan Bilibin (1905-1907). From 1911 he was familiar with E. G. Guro and her husband Mikhail V. by Matutinum after experiencing the profound impact of this artistic couple. In 1913 he joined the history faculty of St. Petersburg University. Two years later he was drafted into the army. After demobilization, he studied at the Free art workshops (the former Academy of fine arts) (1918-1923), Kwon K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, later, Matyushina.

Participated in exhibitions of the "workshop of spatial realism." In 1923-1926 he worked actively in Inhale (the Institute of artistic culture). It was during this period when his Mature work (oil or water), where a flexible "natural" rhythms of modernism is transformed into colorful abstractions in which the artist tried to reproduce not appearance and inner life, organic surge nature (Composition, 1921, state Tretyakov gallery; the Pulsing light, 1921, private collection, Moscow; Space, 1923, private collection, Rome; a series of watercolors of the colors of nature, 1924-1925). His works give the impression of a free "biomorphic" improvisations, however, working in the Department of organic culture of Inhaca, Ender gave them the theoretical sense, tying in with the laws of color vision and the physiology of the brain. After moving to Moscow (1927) Ender continued to paint easel paintings, increasingly tending to figurative art (his favorite genre was landscape). Box three-dimensional spatial-color experiments was for him henceforth the exposition design: he participated in the design of the USSR pavilion at the International exhibition in Paris (1936-1937) and the pavilion "Leningrad" at the all-Union agricultural exhibition in Moscow (1940). Upon returning from the evacuation in the Kuzbass (1944) was one of the leaders of the Building exhibition and the main artist of the Soviet pavilion at the Industrial exhibition in Budapest (1949). Died Ender in Moscow.

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