Dugarovich Dugarzhapov

Russia • geboren in 1966

Graduated from Moscow state art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (workshop of monumental painting of E. N. Maximova) in 1992 and Member of international art Fund since 1997-member of the Ministry of agriculture since 2003 Since 1990 participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad (France, Italy). More than 12 personal exhibitions in Moscow and Chita. Awarded Grand Prix of "Renaissance XXI century", the medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh of II degree. Works in easel and monumental painting. Engaged in Church art. Participated in painting the Cathedral of Christ the guy who saved me was and other temples in and around Moscow. Easel works are in the Museum of cheats, and private collections of Russia, France, Italy, USA, Japan, UK, Cyprus, Yugoslavia, etc. Presented in the Handbook CX MDI MOA, 2008.

Born: S. Dul'durga the Aginsk. Bur. ed. env.) member of artists Union of Russia (1998). He graduated from the secondary art school at the Moscow state artistic Institute im. V. I. Surikov (1984), Moscow state art Institute im. V. I. Surikov (1992). Participates in exhibitions since 1990 in the country and abroad. 1995 personal exhibition (Moscow, gallery "Krosno"), 1997 (Chita, gallery "Calypso" and CHOGM), 1998 (Moscow, CHA). "Grand Prix" of the charity organization "Renaissance of XX century" (1995). Since 1999, in Moscow. Participated in painting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (1999-2000). Working in painting, the main genre is landscape. A fine feeling for nature, his works builds on the midtones of colors and moods. The pictures are in, and CHARM KOHM, private collections in UK, Netherlands, USA, France, Japan and Cyprus.

(Manakova E. G.)

Lit.: Pavlov V. And for the first time — at home // Cheat. display. — 1997. — 22 Feb.; Nakonechny E. to Draw the music and the wind... // Zab. worker. — 1997. — APR 5.

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