Alexandrovna Kabysh

Russia • geboren in 1969

Graduated MGHI them. V. I. Surikov (workshop of monumental painting of E. N. Maximova) in 1995 a member of the MOA since 1996 1993 participant in exhibitions in Russia and abroad (Paris, Stuttgart). The Ministry of agriculture awarded the diploma "For the best work of the year" (2004), Honorary certificate of the Moscow Patriarchate for his work in the Temple of Christ the Savior. Working in the field of monumental-decorative painting in architecture of Church, public and private buildings. Is engaged in easel painting and graphics. Works are in the Museum of Modern art, art Museum of the city of Gorokhovets, private collections in Russia, Germany, France, Canada, USA, Japan. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

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