Yuryevna Masyutina

Russia • geboren in 1966

Biografie und Informationen

Born may 30, 1966, in Moscow, in a family of artists.

In 1976 he entered the Moscow art College affiliated without entrance exams.

In 1978, in Finland, at the international children's drawing contest was awarded a gold medal.

In 1978 he was awarded the USSR Academy of arts with the diploma of the 1st degree.

In 1980, the international children's painting competition in India received a gold medal. JAWAHARLAL Nehru.

In 1980, a 6-room Finnish log “JA MAAIL ME” the article was published. Participated in the design of the book Agnes Barto “Translation” was also published in the magazine “Moscow artist.”

In 1983, after leaving school, he went to work in the 1st Med.Institute. Artist Sechenov at the Department of history of medicine. During the time the works were written a series of paintings for the Museum of the history of medicine under the direction of the head. the Department of history of medicine, Professor Kuzmin M. K.

In 1987, he entered the Institute. VI Surikov on the faculty of graphics. After the second year transferred to the Department of monumental painting workshop in Korolev Yu. K., who at the time was Director of the Tretyakov gallery.

In 1993 graduated from the Institute. Thesis-stained glass “Peacock” and was made for the children's hospital No. 47.

At the end of the Institute he carried out orders to contracts with graphic works (workshop unique graphics). Executed copies for customers from Israel and Japan.

In 1995 he joined the Ministry of agriculture in the section of monumental and decorative art.

In 1999, a group of artists worked on ordering for restaurant Cafe “Pushkin”.

Since 1995 is a member of the Moscow Union of Artists since 2001 - a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Worked with designer albino Nasimi (Listlevel): club “T“ CHINA CLUB, Cabinet painting, gilding. Worked with designers Alexandra Vertinskaya and Elena Lazarenko the BISTROT - painted ceilings. Wrote several picturesque ceiling: “the Family of Emperor Nicholas II”, “Novels”, “Equestrian portrait of Nicholas II” in the restaurant “Romanov” hotel “Slavic” the city of Tobolsk.

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