Melnars (Maslovsky)

Latvia • 1908−1963

(up to 1940 – Adolph Maslowski)

The register for the Studio Miesnieka K. (1928), studied at the Latvian Academy of art (1930 – 1939) – 1932 in the workshop of R. Zarins, 1934 – 36 years in the workshop of species of painting of V. Purvitis, in 1939, graduated from the workshop of Figurative painting Eliass with diploma work "Mowing faces".

Since the 1940s the artist worked as a drawing teacher in the 2-th Riga high school, in 1945 – 57 years – in the Riga secondary school of applied art.

In exhibitions the artist has participated since 1933.

Personal exhibition is organized in Riga (1959).

A. Melnars was a member of the Union of artists in 1945 (eliminated in 1953, back in 1956). He was a member of the Presidium of the Union of artists, Chairman of the section of painters, was a member of the artistic Commission of experts of the Ministry of culture.

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