Leonardovich Przczeslawski (Przhetslavsky)

Russia • 1828−1876

The birthplace of Konstantin Leonardovich (according to other sources — Leonidovich) przhetslavskogo was little Russian city of Vinnitsa. After graduating from the local high school (1844) is able to cause artistic young man went to St. Petersburg, where he became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Academy of arts. K. przhetslavskogo chief mentor at the Academy was a famous painter of battle scenes and teacher, Professor BP Villevalde. However, more students were attracted to the genre paintings, which he regularly exhibited at the exhibitions of the Academy of arts. So, in 1855, the young artist was presented the work "Russians in 1812", which was written under the obvious influence of his teacher. In the succeeding years, there are patterns: in 1857 — "Girl with samovar" and "the Family of a poor artist and buyer of paintings," for which K. Przeslawski receives a small silver medal, in 1858 — "a Bacchante"; in 1859 — "an Unexpected blessing" and "Consultation", awarded a silver medal; in 1860 — "Kobzar. Little Russian scene."

The following year, Constantine przhetslavsky was to participate in the competition for the gold medal. Even approved its sketch — "Last bid gambler." But in 1862 he was expelled from the number of competitors on formal grounds — he was by this time there were more than 30 years. In the same year, K. przhetslavskomu was awarded the title of artist with the right to the rank of class XIV.

And with that same 1862 any information about the life and work of the painter no. According to one guesses, the reason for such unfortunate circumstances could be a difficult financial situation of the family of Constantine Przeslawski that forced him to stop doing. For this version of the picture says "the Family of a poor artist..", which is obviously autobiographical beginning. In the history of Russian art, K. L. Przeslawski is among such artists of the 1850s, who continued the line of P. A. Fedotov, were the precursors of the great masters of Russian painting, for which the image of the truth of life has become the main content of their work.

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