
Russia • 1899−1987

Born in Borisoglebsk, Russia, into a family of Jewish writer A. Sawyer. From 1912 lived in the United States. In 1914-1917 he studied at the art school Cooper Union, 1918 – 1922 (with interruptions) at the National Academy of art in new York and the Art students League guy Peng Dubois. In 1929 he became one of the founders of the John reed Club. Held the first solo exhibition in new York gallery Daniel; one bought the painting Museum of American art Whitney. From 1932 held annual solo exhibitions. In the 1920 – 1930s wrote scenes from the life of the city suburbs and working districts of new York, in the 1940s – portraits, Nudes in an interior, psychological scenes. In 1961 he traveled in Europe and published a book of his experiences, accompanied by their drawings. Held a retrospective exhibition in the gallery Babcock (1956) and the Museum of American art Whitney (1967). Received a number of honorary awards, was elected member of the National Institute of arts and letters (1958). In 1977 she published "the diary of the artist" with reflections about art. Presented at the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of modern art in new York and other museums in the United States.

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