Nikolaevich Denis

Russia • 1893−1946

(1893, Moscow – 1946, Moscow)

Russian Soviet artist. Graphic artist, caricaturist, one of the founders of the Soviet political poster. Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1932).

Formal artistic education is not received (he took private lessons

the artist N. P.Ulyanov).

From 1906 participated in exhibitions of the Association of independent (1910 – 1917 – member of the Association)

and Salon of humorists.

Since 1910, drew political cartoons and caricatures of cultural figures in Moscow

and St. Petersburg magazines "Alarm clock", "Ramp and life", "the Sun of Russia", "Satyricon", "Lukomorye", "Light", "beach", "Magazine of magazines" and "Gun", the newspaper "Voice of Moscow"

and others. Witty and apt caricatures of Denis received a high rating Repin.

After the October revolution the artist's talent manifested itself in the field of political posters.

Denis works have become classics of this particular genre of fine art. The artist has participated in the release "Window satire GROWTH," has created caricatures for the Newspapers "Pravda" and "Izvestia", the satirical magazine "Crocodile", "Red pepper"

and "Spotlight", the magazine "Soviet screen". During the great Patriotic war, the artist created a series of posters, imbued with a deep Patriotic feeling. Works by W. Denis are in the state Tretyakov gallery, timing, regional museums, in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Born in Moscow in 1893 in the family of an impoverished nobleman. Had two brothers. Older brother Michael was a satirical poet.

He graduated from the noble boarding-shelter.

In the early 1900's he studied at N. Ulyanov.

From 1906 participated in exhibitions of the Association of independent (1910-1917 member of the Association) and the Salon of the humorists.

1910. Published the first drawing in the journal "Alarm".

From 1910 drew political cartoons and caricatures of cultural figures in Moscow and St. Petersburg magazines - "Alarm clock", "Ramp and life", "the Sun of Russia", "Satyricon", "Lukomorye", "Light", "beach", "Magazine of magazines" and "Gun"; the newspaper "Voice of Moscow" and others.

Under their pictures signing: V. Denisov, V. Denis, Visov, V. N., V. Viktorov.

1913-1918. Lived in Petrograd.

1919. In Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Held the position of head of art section of the Propaganda-education Department of the Volga military Commissariat. Painted posters, cartoons for magazines and Newspapers - "the Poor man", "Red dawn" and "Banner of revolution".

He organized the first exhibition of political posters.

With 1920 in Moscow; took an active part in the release of one of the first journals of the Soviet political satire "BOV"; participated in the production "Window satire GROWTH"; cartoons for Newspapers "Pravda" and "Izvestia", the satirical magazine "Crocodile", "Red pepper" and "Spotlight", the magazine "Soviet screen".

1921. Invited as permanent staff-cartoonist in the Truth.

1932. Honored artist of the RSFSR.

1946. He died in Moscow.

Wrote a book of memoirs "My thoughts in a notebook," a series of articles on a political poster.

The works of Victor Denis are kept in many museums of the former USSR, including the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian state library (Moscow), Russian Museum (Saint-Petersburg).

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