Ilyich Kasiyan

Ukraine • 1896−1976

Schedule Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1944), full member AH the USSR (1947), Hero of Socialist. Labor (1974). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1946. She graduated from the Prague Academy. Fig. arts (1926). In 1923 he arrived in the USSR. In 1927-30 and from 1944 Professor of the Kiev thin. in-TA (in 1930-37 – Ukrainian printing Institute). In 1942-44, the Professor of Moscow. hood. in-TA. Prints (series "Donbass", 1931; "dneprostroy", 1932-34; "Ukraine fights", 1942-43; "Lenin and the Ukraine," 1947; portraits of the builders of the Kyiv subway, 1960), posters (1941-45), Fig. to the MFR. classics of Russian and Ukrainian literature.

(R. 1.1.1896, der. Mykulyntsi, now Sretenskogo district, Ivano-Frankivsk region of the Ukrainian SSR).

The Soviet timetable, people's artist of the USSR (1944), full member AH the USSR (1947). Member of the CPSU since 1946.

He studied at the Prague Academy of arts (1920-26) in M. Švabinský. In 1923 he attended the owls. citizenship in 1927 he settled in the USSR.

Prints K. ("Strike", woodcut, 1926; a series of "dneprostroy", linocut, 1932-34; series "V. I. Lenin and Ukraine", etching, 1947), as well as posters (1941-45), Fig. and illustrations to the works of classics of Ukrainian and Russian literature marked by the expression of bar, a romantic elation of images.

1927 K. Professor of the Kiev art Institute and some other art schools.

In 1962-68, the Chairman of the Union of artists of Ukraine.

State prize of the USSR them. T. G. Shevchenko (1964) and the USSR State prize (1971, for participation in creating the 6-volume "History of Ukrainian art", Kiev, 1966-70). Awarded the order of Lenin, 3 other orders and medals.

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