Leonard (Leonid)
Victorovich Turzhansky

Russia • 1875−1945

Born in Ekaterinburg, lived and worked in Moscow. He studied at the Central school of technical drawing of Baron Stieglitz (1895), the Stroganov art-industrial school (1896 – 1897) and the school (1898 – 1909), V. Baksheev, A. Stepanov, Valentin Serov and K. Korovin. Member TPHV (1911 – 1912), CPX (1912 – 1913), AHRR (1924). Has developed a type of "Levitan" and "Korovinskoe" landscapes, "rural landscape" by Vladimir Serov. Wrote delicate in color, pasty in the manner of execution of lyrical kinds of Russian North and Ural nature.

(09.02.1875, Ekaterinburg Perm. lips. – 31.03.1945, Moscow), painter. Born in the family of a doctor. In 1889-1895 he studied at the Ekaterinburg Alexeyevskoye real school. Studied painting at N. M. Plyusnina, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Acad. of arts. In 1895 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Studio of the painter and engraver L. E. Dmitriev-Caucasian and the Central school of technical drawing of Baron Stieglitz. In 1896 he moved to Moscow, studied at the Stroganov art-industrial school (1896-1897 gg.). He graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1898-1907 gg.), where he studied with V. N. Baksheev, A. S. Stepanov, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin. An outstanding landscape painter; also painted portraits, genre scenes, interiors, engaged in theatrical scenery, painted for the satirical magazine. In 1905 he made a trip to the North of Russia: on the rivers Sukhona and the Northern Dvina, on the Kola Peninsula (together with the artist Petrov). Several works from this series were acquired by the Tretyakov gallery ("the North. Silent night", "Moorman", "Pomerania in the fields"). From 1904 Exhibitor, and since 1911 a member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions. 1912 – member of the Union of Russian artists. Most of the landscapes painted in the Urals. d. Small Source (under the city of Yekaterinburg), where the artist came each spring to work. Work convey the charm of the everyday life of the Ural villages. The artist appreciated the power of first impressions, he painted "in one breath", without preliminary sketches. The refined simplicity of his work is the result of a strict selection, generalization. The landscape has always sought to increased expressiveness of the forms, volume and space. Painter at its core, Turzhansky thought and felt color. Complex color combinations subject in his landscapes the General tone. "Pure colors in nature, the artist wrote, - look into the distance: the colors are mixed. Find in them noble tone, it is necessary to train your eye to see the beauty and harmony of colours. This is the main task of the painter". Claiming the role of the spot, it kept its three-dimensional tangibility. Cherished the texture of the objects, passing the picturesque plastic of various surfaces ("the Seagull. Kama," 1909; "Arable land", 1910; "Autumn. Sun", "afternoon", 1912; "a Study. Middle Ural", "Village street", 1930). In 1919 he taught at the Ekaterinburg art school, participated in the festive decoration of the city for the anniversary of the October revolution. In 1920, he moved to Moscow, participated in exhibitions of the Association of artists of revolutionary Russia, the Union of Moscow artists (1936, 1939), in international exhibitions. In 1941-1942 was evacuated in the North Caucasus. Works are in State Tretyakov gallery (Moscow), State Russian Museum (Saint-Petersburg), Perm. state art gallery, Ekaterinburg Museum of fine arts, Tyumen Museum of fine arts, Chelyabinsk Museum of fine arts and many others. art, memorial, natural history museums in the country.


Collective: Exhibition of paintings by pupils of the Moscow school of painting: the 23rd (1900), 24 (1901), 26th (1904), 27 (1904);

Exhibition of the Association of traveling art exhibitions (1904-1911/1912);

Exhibition of the Union of Russian artists: 1905, 1906/1907, 1908/1909, 1911, 1912, 1914 .;

Personal: 1937, 1959

Ist.: Tsgali, f. 646, op. 1; f. 680, op. 2, 3; f. 685, op. 1; f. 796, op. 1; f. 947, op. 1; f. 1188, op. 1.;

Otd. manuscripts of the state Tretyakov gallery, f. 3, D. 317, 319; f. 69, d. 491, 535, 560, 565; f. 91., 230, 411.

Lit.: Pavlovsky, B. V., L. V. Turzhansky. M., 1953;

Leonid Viktorovich Turzhansky // Silver N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm, 1959. P. 147-148;

Lobacheva S. Leonard Viktorovich Turzhansky. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1960. 94 p.;

L. V. Turzhansky: album joined. article S. Glebichevo. M., 1970;

Leonard Viktorovich Turzhansky (1875-1945): album ed. introd. article N. I. Stankevich; ed. I. L. Turiansky. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1982. 159 p.; Roginsky, F. S. the Association of traveling art exhibitions: ist. essays. M., 1989. S. 415;

Russian painters: the ENCYCLOPAEDIA. words. SPb., 1998. S. 619-620.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P Fedotov)

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