Nikitich Krylov

Russia • 1902−1990

Shelkunova S. was born in Tula province. He studied at the factory art Studio under the direction of G. Segala, the higher art (1921 – 1928) A. Osmerkin, A. Shevchenko, and then in graduate school P. Konchalovsky. From 1924 was a member of the famous creative group "Kukryniksy", together with M. Kupriyanov and N. Sokolov, with whom he created several thousand cartoons, hundreds of posters, illustrations for the works of M. Gorky, A. Chekhov, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Many worked in the open air, especially in your favorite places – on the Oka, in Polenovo, Kostroma. Hero of Socialist Labor, people's artist of the USSR since 1951, member of the USSR AI since 1947, winner of the Lenin prize in 1965 and six times was awarded the State prize of the USSR, laureate of the State prize of the RSFSR. I. Repin. Works are in the collections of the state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, UM im. P. Krylov in Tula, in the gallery of Ufizzi in Florence.

In his memoirs, Porfiry Nikitich wrote: "Our house in Tula, where I was born, stood on the turn Venevsky street and continue Key". Many years ago this place was built multi-storey residential building, and it seemed that forever broke the thread binding us to the famous artist. But this did not happen.

In a sign of deepest gratitude to the wonderful artist Tula in Tula in 1997 the Museum was opened by P. N. Krylov (St. Kutuzova, 10) — a branch of the Tula Museum of fine arts, where his artistic heritage, stretching back more than a thousand works of painting, graphic arts, donated to the Tula by Porfiry Nikitich and his sons.

The formation of a creative personality Krylov fell on difficult times 20 years. He had to experience the tragedy of the great Patriotic war, the restoration and development of our country in the postwar period.

At each stage of one's life his art with new meaning and philosophical justification of creative positions. His success in art, he is obliged tireless work, constant restlessness reached. "To work really taught hometown," said Porfiry Nikitich.

Coming from a family of hereditary workers of ammunition factory, since childhood, he was accustomed to work, saw his grandfather, father all his spare time was devoted to creativity. Grandfather had the talent of a skilled engraver on metal, decorated with rifles, samovars. The father also knew how to draw, to sculpt. Inherited talent Porfiry Nikitich, who started painting five years. But before you finally determine it is the choice to become an artist, goes to study to Moscow, in VHUTEMAS (Higher art and technical studios), where is born the famous Commonwealth "Kukryniksy", he will have to graduate from the higher primary school for two years to work at the Munitions plant in the tool workshop and at the same time to do in the evenings in a factory art Studio under the guidance of renowned artist G. M. Segala, which is now the national title. Still working in the Palace of culture "hammer and Sickle" one of the first studios in the country. Throughout his life Porfiry Nikitich cared for her, advised many students who became famous artists, and to recall with gratitude the generous creative tips Krylov.

Individual creativity Krylov developed in parallel to his main work in the famous Commonwealth Kukryniksy. Only in moments of rest, staying alone with yourself, Porfiry Nikitich can focus on any topics, to Express their innermost personal. Art Kukryniksy different — loud, convicting, require large mental costs. Personal creativity helped to escape, brought a different joy, inspiring new ideas.

Worldwide fame and recognition Kukryniksy received primarily for its political satire. Together, the three of us — Mikhail V. Kupriyanov, Porfiry Krylov, Nikolai Sokolov was aware of the challenging stages of life in our country. Of particular prominence was their poster "Mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", as well as many cartoons, posters, satirical drawings for "Windows TASS", the magazine "Crocodile", the newspaper "Red Star", "Truth", calling for a relentless fight against fascism. The outcome of the work at the Nuremberg trials were a series of portrait sketches of war criminals "From the courtroom".

Kukryniksy — beautiful illustrators of the classics of Russian and Soviet literature. Their work addresses the idea of art to promote peace on earth.

Each artist has developed with the growth of collective art, mutually enriching each other. Intense joint work contributed to a more complete disclosure of the individuality of each author, speaking with their subjects, and artistic techniques. Peculiar method of pictorial perception of the world at Porfiry. Working directly from nature, he was able to see, feel the sharpness of the motive, a thrilling, impressive. From the first steps of creativity Krylov had a rare gift of observation, the ability to admire the "color" of natural forms and their discoveries to raise the level of poetic sound. Eventually, when Porfiry Nikitich was formed in painter with elegant creative style, his art is filled with depth of thought, more imagery perception.

With the same passion worked Porfiry Nikitich in painting and graphics. A variety of genres, plots of works by P. N. Krylov. In them a direct sense of the spirit of a particular time, of the events which inspired the artist. In each work - a kind of solution to pictorial problems, the desire to achieve tangible materiality of each natural form. Unusually extensive "territory" of his artistic life studies of nature. Landscapes P. N. Krylov different attitude, perception quiet paints of Russia, sunshine nature of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and the unique nature of Italy, France, Bulgaria.

But the most expensive place on earth was for him the Tula region. Yasnaya Polyana, Polenovo, Tula gave the artist inspiration. How beautiful, what on earth is dearest place is home! It is here that the full art Porfiry Krylov finds wide acceptance, a deep, sincere understanding.

The Work Of P. N. Krylov awakens in the hearts of the people of the great feeling of admiring the beauty of the world, gives a wonderful unique moments. This is a great merit of the artist.

(source: http://tounb.tula.net)

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