Petras Simano

Russia • 1881−1961

Biografie und Informationen

Nar. hood. Lit.SSR (1951). He studied at the hood. studios in Warsaw and Paris (1900-05), then – in St. Petersburg (1909-11). In 1920-28 he lived in Berlin, then in London, 1935-38 in the USA. Easel sculpture "the Farmer" (1907, 1922), "Satyr" (1921), "night and Day" (1922), Knight (1931), etc.

(lit. Petras Rimšа; 11 (23) November 1881, p Naujai, now Vilkavisski district, Lithuania — October 2, 1961, Kaunas)

He studied at the Beaux-arts in Paris (1903-1904) and the Academy of fine arts in Krakow (1904-1905), then the school society for the encouragement of arts in St. Petersburg (1909-1911).

Participated in the first Lithuanian art exhibition in Vilnius, opened on 27 December 1906 (January 9, 1907), on which eleven of his works were exhibited later became especially famous work "Lithuanian school 1864-1904". The sculpture recreates the conditions of mother tongue education in the period of prohibition of Lithuanian press in the Latin alphabet (1864-1904). The sculpture was reproduced on 5 litas banknote issue 1993, which was soon replaced by a coin, and withdrawn from circulation. Another well-known work of the same time — "the Plowman" (1907), eksponirovalis at the second Lithuanian art exhibition (1908). These works cemented his reputation as the author of works with Patriotic symbols.

In 1907 he became, together with M. K. Churlenis, P. Kalpokas, A. Zmuidzinavicius, K. Sclerosus, one of the founders of the Lithuanian art society.

From 1919 Petras Rimsha worked in Lithuania. People's artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1951).

The style of the early works close to Russian academic culture the beginning of the XX century. In 1910-1920-ies a distinct influence of Lithuanian folk wood carving and modern style. From the 1920s created mainly medals and portrait reliefs.

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