Afanasievich Rusakov

Russia • 1888−1941

[27.11(10.12).1888, der. Pisklova Chelyabinsk uyezd, Orenburg province. – 31.12.1941, Chelyabinsk], painter, teacher, member. CX USSR (1936). First person artist, received a capital education, founder of the art of painting in the city, one of the founders of the Union of artists in Person. (see Union of artists of Russia). B. in the family unterofitser (the Cossack armies). After his father's death in February. 1889 the family moved to People. (1901), where in 1907 he graduated from R. 3-great mountains. Uch-school (see School city). In 1913 he completed the full course of the scenic Department of the Kazan fine arts. school of the Imperial Academy of arts (teacher of painting and figure. N. I. Fechin, 1881-1955). In ISKCON. Uch-school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1913-17) studied with the famous painter Konstantin Korovin (1861– 1939); diploma work – painting “Sailor bar” (1917, now in the collection of COCG). Earned a living from 1910 in Kazan and Moscow, the teaching of drawing, 1916 – People. In 1920-23 head. Person. gubern. school-Studio portray. arts Subprofile.. in 1921-35 teacher depicted. art and graphics in the well.-Ms. D. school No. 42 and FAS No. 8. From 1935 he led the Studio Nar. creativity at the Department of arts. In the years of study in Kazan has made friends with prominent owls. the constructivist Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956). Portrait of R. brush Rodchenko (1912), a portrait of Rodchenko, brush R. (1915) are in the collection of COCG. The journey by ship from Odessa to Kyoto (1915) and in the mountainous part of the Center. Asia (in the 1920s) filled the artist's work (from the mid. 1910s to early 1930s) East. stories. In the 1930s there has been a reorientation R. on “Ural East”: the artist painted landscapes and portraits of inhabitants and Roma. Participated in all person exhibitions, in the exhibition “Ural-Kuzbass in painting” (1938). Persons. exhibition R., preproc. the 20th anniversary of creative. worker-STI, was held in the building People. dramatic. theatre (see drama). In 1939 he presented his work at the all-Union. the exhibition, dedicated. The 20th anniversary of the Komsomol. He worked in oil, watercolor as a portrait painter, landscape painter. R. possessed compositional thinking, combined his realistic method., neoclassic., expressive impressionistic plastic. Ed. series: “the Colonial East the present day” (track album, the journey on the Century, 1926), “Young people of the colonial East” (paintings 1920s-30s), “the youth of the country of the Soviets” (1930), “dances of the peoples of the USSR” (neocons.), “Flowers of the fields and forests of the Urals.” Had PED. the gift of his Studio “Academy Rusakov” was under construction program 4-year course of arts. Uch-conductive. Among the disciples of R. – K., A. Sokolov, M. A. Komissarov, A. P. Kharin, I. Z. Taushkanov, N. Y. Tretyakov, N. P. Zagorodnev – artists People., architect E. V. Aleksandrov. R. was arrested 27 June 1941. Shot by sentence of the court (article 52-10, part 2). Posthumously rehabilitated on 11 Oct. 1957. For the first time after the death prod. R. was shown at Pax. in the newly opened Exhibition hall of COSH (1980) in the exhibition “the Oldest artists of Chelyabinsk – the founders of the creative Union” organized by the art critic L. P. by Bykovym. In 1989, COKG an exhibition for the 100th anniversary of R. from the collection of his family (Moscow) and transferred it to the meeting, COCG production. Restorer of cards. Gal. V. P. Kochnev has prepared for the exhibition of 39 paintings. To the student. years production. R. kept in the collections of Moscow and Petrograd, in 1940 entered the meeting opened, COCH (now the name. and location of works unknown), institutions and companies. city (also gone). In of arts. environment Person. there is a legend that “the Death of a rickshaw” (1920s) is in the collection of the British Museum. In the collection of approx. 100 CHOKH stored prod. R. in 1980 his work was included in a collection of South.-Sakhalin Museum Fig. arts.

G. S. Trifonova

Lit.: V e R t a in a N. At the exhibition of paintings // the Council. true (H). 1925. 29 Dec.; S a b u R o V, A. P. Creative report: CA. paintings N. A. Rusakova // CHR. 1938. June 28; Tr I f o n o V and G. Using the conflicts of time: Creative. portr. N. A. Rusakova // HF. 1980. 31 Oct.; Nicholas A. Rusakov. 1888-1941: Painting. Graphics: Cat. CA. / AVT.-comp. G. S. Trifonova. H, 1989; Tr I f o n o V and G. “Noon saffron...”, or Nostalgia for the East painter Nikolai Rusakov (1888-1941) // Autograph. Chelyabinsk Art. 1998. No. 2.

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