Yakovlevich Itkind

Russia • 1871−1969

Honored. artist of the KAZ.SSR (1963). From 1910 he studied at the Drawing school in Vilna, then in Mugusa S. volnuchini. From 1920 he lived and worked in Leningrad. The Exhibitor about the third "World of art" (1917), MTX (1922, 1925), Paris (1926). In 1937 he was arrested and sent to Sittwe, from 1940 to the end of his life he lived in Alma-ATA. Sculpture in the tree - "My father" (1913), "Karl Marx" (1918), "the Jewish melody" (1925), "Victim of the pogrom" (1927), "Dying Pushkin" (1937), "Philosopher" (1956), "the Wise man" (1958), "Face of fascism" (1961), "Paganini" (1965), etc.

(1871, der. Savage near the town of Smorgon, Vilna province., In 1969, Alma-ATA), a Soviet sculptor. Born in the family of a Melamed, a grandson of the Rabbi of Kotzk. He studied at the yeshiva. Gradually moved away from religion, refused marriage with a wealthy bride, and at the age of 26 years went to Vilna (Vilnius).

Under the influence of a book on the sculptor M. Antokolsky started wood carving and clay modeling. His first mentor was a Polish painter, Professor of the Krakow Academy F. Rusic. In 1910 he held the first exhibition of works by Etkind (about 30 works). Having received a grant to continue studying, Itching in 1912 he arrived in Moscow, where he was presented to the sculptor S. Volnukhin who took his apprentice in his workshop and was introduced to Gorky, by the sculptor P. Trubetskoi, S. Konenkov, A. Golubkina and many other famous representatives of artistic circles. To this period belongs the meeting with M. Chagall.

In 1917, Etkind became a member of the Union of Russian artists, his sculptures are permanently exhibited at the exhibitions of the Union and the Association of traveling exhibitions and the "art World". Participated in the implementation of the so-called Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda. In 1918 in Moscow Jewish theater "Habima", a solo exhibition of works by Itkinda.

In 1924, at the insistence of the doctors moved to Yalta, then to Simferopol, where he taught at the art school. Since the beginning of the 1930s he lived in Leningrad. Working as a mechanic, continued to work on his sculptures. At the exhibition "15 years of Soviet sculptures" Etkind presented the work "Victim of the Nazi pogrom" (the Head of the composer Matsa killed "brown", 1927, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg). At the same time began the literary activity of Itkinda a few of his stories from the pre-revolutionary Jewish life on the recommendation of Tolstoy were published in the magazine "Star". In 1935 the Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the USSR has executed a number of works for dioramas.

In 1937 Etkind was arrested and nine months later, sent to the village of Zerenda of Kokchetav region of Kazakhstan (see details below). In 1944 he moved to Alma-ATA, where he lived for the rest of your life.

Itkind created a sculpture primarily from wood, giving preference to large forms. Using a wide range of media, he sometimes reveals the texture of the material, at other times refused it. Early work "the Jewish melody" (1915-18, State Russian Museum), notable for its conciseness. The Baroque splendor at contrasted with the clarity and purity of the polished surface (portrait of the poetess Bertha von Sutner, 1962, the State arts Museum of Kazakhstan, Alma-ATA). In the later sculptures the "Face of fascism" (1960) and "Down with the war" (1963, both State Museum of arts of Kazakhstan) style — expressive. Itkind not wondering about the trends in art, plastic solution in each case depended solely on intent and vision of the artist. Reflection reflection of Itkinda about the death of a steel sculpture "Itching in Paradise" ("Joy", 1966, the State Museum of arts of Kazakhstan) and "Itching in hell" (1968, whereabouts unknown). Itching often joked that as an artist, he would prefer heaven, because there is "a lot of Nudes and a heavenly tree."

In 2004, the funds of the Jewish studies Institute has been enriched with archive documents of the sculptor Isaac Yakovlevich of Itkinda (70 letters, postcards, telegrams, articles about his work, clippings from old Newspapers, photos). Documents in the Institute gave the inhabitant of Simferopol Lyudmila F. S. Baker. She worked in the library and some of the visitors left her pack before leaving for Israel. All the submitted documents were collected by a niece of the sculptor Bella Solomonovna the Ioffe.

(Evreiskoi encyclopedia)

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